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Yogas and Frutification Age

In this article we will discuss as to when a Yogas gets activated

Depending on the placement of the Yogas in the chart it will frutify in certain time period of the native. Yogas means coming together of two planets which are connected to Kendras or Trikonas either through Yuti(conjunction) or aspecting each other by rasi or graha drishti...

Before identifying the age when the yogas frutify first calculating the longevity of the native is important...

The longevity compartment is divided into three categories

0-36 Short life

36-72 Middle life

72-108 Long Life

There is another school of thought which has redefined the longevity compartment as:

0-40 Short life

40-80 Middle life

80-120 Long life

This is as per the Vimshottari dasa scheme where we all know the total years allocated to each grahas from Ketu to Mercury comes to 120 Years.

The Sequence in which the yoga frutify is as follows:

2nd house,4th house,8th house and 10th house (first 1/3 part of the life)

12th house,6th house,5th house and 11th house(second 1/3 part of the life)

1st house,7th house,9th house and 3rd house (last 1/3 part of the life)

Hence from this we can infer that yogas placed in the 1st house and 7th will frutify on the last 1/3 portion of the native life and the yogas placed in the 2nd and 4th house will frutify very early in the life.

Chart example:

n the chart of PM modi we find that there are two planets (Moon and Mars). 2nd house denotes extension of family and he married at the age of 18(1968).

At the age of 51 and at the age of 64 and again at the age of 69 he occupied the CM post of Gujarat and also PM of India and the houses which comes into picture are 5,6,11 house, Saturn and Venus are in the 11th house aspecting his 5th house,We know that 5th is house of power and authority and Saturn is aspecting its own house and also these two planets are placed in the 3rd from Arudha lagna.Jupiter is also aspecting the 11th house from the 5th house which denotes the fulfillment of desires. Saturn is his chara Atmakaraka with Venus being lord of the lagna and 8th house, Planets with AK tends to work towards the goals of the AK. Venus denotes relationships and the yuti resulted in he renouncing his marriage.


Thank you to Guru: #SanjayRath,#VistiLarsen,#SarajitPoddar,#NarasimhaRao,

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