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Will the native study

As per the astrology following are the houses which are related to studies

1)4th house is Primary education

2)6th house is Secondary education

2)9th house is higher education

Every 6th house is the house of growth relating to the native acquirng skills to undertake a Job.

In this chart 4th house being the house of Primary education from Kindergarden to 12th house and 9th house is Intermediate to further studies still we attain a skill which helps us to acquire the skll till Master and Phd.

In this chart the 4th house is Scorpio. Here the native was born in the year 1967 and when the native reaches 15 years he will complete his education which is Primary. So even though the native starts his education when he reaches the age of 2 or 3 that is 1967+3 which is 1970 we need to see the dasa to understand whether the 4th house of primary education is promised.

In this chart the year 1970 March native will be under Rahu Maha dasa and this dasa is placed in the 9th house and he is the lord of the 7th house and Rahu is in the star of Aswhini and the star lord being Ketu which is also lords the Vrischika rasi and here it is evident that native will complete his primary education with some issues as the lord Ketu is in the 12th house from the 4th house. Native will face health issues but will complete the Primary education from 0-12th standard.

In the Navamsa chakra we find that the two lords for the 4th house of rasi chakra which is Mars and Ketu are well placed in Kendra houses of the D9 chart or Baghya chakra. No major problems for the completion of primary education

Next after 1973+15 comes to 1988 which is the dasa of Jupiter. And here Jupiter is owing 5th and 8th house and Jupiter is in the star of Pushyami. The lord of Pushyami is Saturn and Saturn owns 6th and 7th house and placed in the 8th house of the rasi chakra..Hence native will also complete his secondary education as Saturn is owing 6th house which is the house of secondary education and the same Saturn is also placed in the 6th house of the Navamsa chakra is not so good as it will create problems for the native during the nakshatra period time line.

Here 1988+2(Inter) will come to 1990 and after that 3 years for higher education 1990+3 which is 1993 is the time when native comes out of his education and starts earning.

In the D-24 chart we find that Jupiter is well placed in the lagna and Saturn in the 6th house hence D-24 is also giving the promise of allowing the native to complete his Primary and Secondary education

9th is the house of higher learning. Here the lord of the 7th house is Rahu placed in the 9th house of higher education. (Note as per Jyotish principle Rahu cannot be placed in the 9th house as it is like Marana karaka). So native will not be able to complete his higher education fully.

Rahu is in the star of Aswhini whose lord is Ketu and with Mars in the sign of Libra and aspected by Rahu. The dispositor of 9th house is Mars being placed in the 7th house from its own sign which akin to Maraka(death). Hence the education will end and native will not complete his higher education fully. (In fact native did not complete his higher education fully and stopped after completing his B.Com

After completing his higher education the dasa period is Jupiter whose lord 5th and 8th house placed in the 12th house in the sign of Cancer.

Jupiter is in Pushymai star whose star lord is Saturn and Saturn is connecting to 6th house being the lord of the career(2,6,10 is the house of Artha trikona houses. Money earning)

Native started earning immediately after completing his education and continue earning tillhe reached the age of 26 years,

As per the Brighu nadi method the age of 26 comes to Virgo which is the 2nd bhava (artha trikona) and the lord is Mercury placed in the 11th house of gains.

Till the native started his Saturn Maha dasa native worked and after that naive retired from hos job due to house hold issues and since then native is not working. The year and the bukhti lord when the native retired was 2013 and the antar dasa is that of Venus and here it owns 3rd and 10th house. Venus is in the star of Magh nakshatra and this is placed in the 3rd house of Trika)trika bhavas are never considered good for anybody)

Ad More over we find that the same Ketu is in the 9th from 7th and Ketu cannot be in the 9th house of baghya.

The dasa and antar dasa lord are not friendly to each other as they are in the 6/8 axis hence the period is troublesome for the native.

Since 2013 till 8 years ie 2021 native started taking care of his spouse as she is bed ridden and in the year 2021 native lost his spouse.

Saturn+Jupiter was the time line and here Jupiter is in th 12th house this Jupiter is in the Pushyami star whose lord is Saturn and it is placed in the 8th house of transformation and also Maraka to spouse.

Fonally the nail in the coffin came in the Sub period of Saturn where the native lost his spouse and that was from 14.01.2021 till 09.06.2021. Native lost his spouse in the year 2021 Feb 18th which was Mercury and this Mercury is his AK(Atma karaka) and connecting to Jupiter lord which is placed in the 12th house of losses.

Till now native is not working and native is 56 years of age surviving on amounts received as rentals.

For rentals we have to see Mars and Saturn which are the karakas for properties and also check the D9 and D4 charts along with Rasi chakra for any promises of getting rentals





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