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Will Arvind Kejriwal resign

Today the CM of Delhi has informed that he will be resigning from the Post of CM in the next 2 days. Is he really resigning or just a brain wash to his citzens

Lets us see the chart of AK and analyze

The chart is rising in Taurus sign which is fixed in nature and also a earth sign hence the native has a fixed mind and also connected to maya..

Lagnesh is Venus another Prithiv tattwa graha and placed in the Leo sign the natural 5th house from Aries and with Sun himself placed in the sign and also with Jupiter and Mercury. 4th house is the house of happiness,mother ad properties and Jupiter here gives the nativer big properties which are huge in terms of size and Venus denotes properties which are of posh in nature (they call his house as Taj Mahal)

Native is born in Kala amrita yoga where Ketu is followed by Rahu. So first its Moksha marga then mone flows as Rahu is ending it. Rahu is in thre 11th house of gains and finances and fulfilment of desires.

He beceame the CM of Delhi during the dasa period of Saturn-Venus.. Here Venus is the chara Atmakaraka placed in the 4th house and from the 10th house it is in 7th house and Venus is in the star of Poorva Phalguni whose lord is Venus..

From Moon Venus is the lord of the 5th house denotinng power and authority..The 3rd level of dasa was that of Jupiter which is his chara Amatyakaraka also placed i Poorva Phalguni

The 2nd time he took oath on 14th Feb 2015 and the dasa period was that of Saturn-Venus-Ketu and here we find that Ketu is also placed in the 5th house of power and authority

Again in the year 2020 he was re-elected with the maha dasa being Saturn-rahu ad with this the dasa of Satur ending now the dasa of Mercury is operating from 2014 April and here again Mercury is the lord of the 5th house giving power and authority but it is badly placed in the 12th from 5th house which means it is negating the 5th house

The antar dasa is that of Mercury and the Pratyantara dasa is that of Ketu ahain...Ketu here is the lord of the 7th house which is Maraca house..In the Dasamsa chakra we find that Ketu is placed in the 9th house which is negating the 10th house and in the Navamsa chakra it is in the 4th house of Moksha trikona. Hence I am of the opinion that he may have to leave his Post by October end 2024.

In the Narayana dasa we find that from 2020 he is under Saggitarius ND and here Saggitarius is the 8th house from his natal lagna..and the antar dasa sign is that of Aquarius the natural house of badhaka with the lord Rahu being placed in the 4th house

On Marh 21st 2024 he was jailed and during that time the dasa period was Saturn-Jupiter Rahu and we find that Lagna is hemmed between these planets where Saturn is on the one side . The axis of Jupiter-Rahu is 6/8 axis note that Rahu in 11th house even though gives money but it acts like Rudra(Punishment) for the sins committed in this life.

As per the Saham he has Bandhana Saham in Aquarius, Here Bandhana means Imprisonment and it is in 1 degree in this sign . The Bandhana Saham is connected to the star o Dhanista whose lord is Mars and Mars was in the 4 degree in Moksha trikona when he was arrested







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