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Unveiling Punyachakra: Understanding the Symbolism and Impact of the Chart of Death

In this article we would discuss about the Punya chakra which in lay mans terms it is called as CHART OF DEATH.

This chart is prepared to understand where the soul(JIvatma) has gone as it is an eternal truth that irrespective of whoever and what ever it is at some pojnt of time we will die and get freed with all the prolems we would have faced in this realm the EARTH. Earth is also called as MRTYU LOKA the place of death.

In JatakaParijata it is written that to understand the Gati(final destination) of the soul after the death it is necessary to prepare the chart and the lagna rising at the time of death is called as MRITYU LAGNA

The 12 rasis of the zodiac are given 3 different lokas and these are BHULOKA,BHUVARLOKA AND SWARGALOKA. Hence starting from the sign Aries to Cancer the loka assigned is BHULOKA and from Leo to Scorpio it is BHUVARLOKA and finally from Saggitarius to Pisces it is SWARGALOKA

The devatas who control these lokas are as follows:

BHULOKA it is Mars and Sun

BHUVARLOKA it is Venus and Moon

NARAKALOKA it is Shani

SWARGALOKA It is Jupiter

The following houses have to be analyzed to see as to what does the PUNYA CHAKRA foretells

12th house is considered the final destinaton of the soul

8th house denotes that karma(the bad sins committed on earth)

6th house denotes what vices the soul is carrying forward to the next birth

7th house denotes wherther the soul is coming back to the earth

We aall know that as per the Hindu tradition it is said that soul stays in this earth for a period of 12 days(equated to a day of the bramha loka) and on the 13th day it moves forward for the next birth and during this time based on the planetary combinations in the 7th house we can say as to how many days, months or years the soul is going to stay in other worlds and then come back to earth after for re-birth

Sun-180 days

Moon- 1 day

Mars- 7 days

Venus-15 days

Jupiter-30 days

Mercury-60 days

Sani-360 days

Let us understand as to what houses has to be seen in order to check what happens after the death of the person

1st:This bhava willl give us a clue as to what has happened to the body of the native prior to the death. 1st house is always taken into account the body of the person hence if we see any good or benefic planets in the lagna when preparing the death chart we should understand that the death of the native is peaceful. And if there is bad or malefic grahas including Mandi or Gulika in the lagna then understand that the death of the native is painful..Two great gurus Venus and Jupiter when placed in the lagna gives us a clue that the native had a prior information about his death

6th house:This house represents the shadripus which the native has carried forward after the death. Here the shadripus are of internal nature and not of external nature as we are talking about deaath. Planets like Venus,Jupsiter,Sun and Moon do not represent the vices of the native but rather all malefics like Mars,Saturn represents the vices of the internal nature

7th house; This is the house where the soul comes and leaves hence it is called Dwara for the soul to come and exit from this world.Hence any planet in the 7th house will tell us as the desire of the soul to come back and if there are many plaets in this house then it denotes that the soul will have many rebirths before takinng final liberation. But if there planets in 7th and 12th house then native will stay in a realm some period of time before coming back to earth

8th house:This is the house of sins we have accumulated over a period of our life time and malefics in this house and if they are debilitated tells us that Graha is not ready to forgive the native for his sins and these sins are seen through the 6th house and what sins the native has committed for the soul to come back to earth to redeem such sins. If Jupiter aspects sthe 8th house ithe it is a sure shot that such sins are forgiven by the god himself

10th house: This is the karma house of the birth chart or the Puya chakra will give us a clue as to what is the state of the native at the time of his death. 10th house is about desires and whether the native has any desires which makes the soul to take re-birth. If the 10th lord is strong and placed in good signs and also under the influence of good planets then it is said that the native has done some good deeds while bad influence on the 10th house and weak 10th lord will indicates that the native has done some bad deeds making him to take re-birth

12th house:This is the house of Moksha or liberation and until and unless Jupiter is in the 12th house or Jupiter aspects the 12th house there is no for the soul. It is the will and wish of Isvara to grant Moksha irrespective of the deeds committed in ths life and also it is important to check whether any planets are placed in the 8th or 10th house of the Punya chakra

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