Unraveling the Mysteries: Understanding Planetary Behavior in Marana Karaka Bhavas
This article will stress on all the planets whe placed in certain houses how they behave and what is the impact on the nativve
Before going into the details first let us understand the plantary portfolio
Mars:Younger brothers,Lands,Police,Protectors
Mercury:Prince,child,uncles,Career giver,Skin
Jupiter:Moral value,Guru,Teacher,God,temples
Saturn:Destroyer of health,low trodden workers,drain sysems,everything that is below the earth
Rahu:Spy external
Ketu:Spy internal and soilders
Now coming to the point as to what does the planet do when placed in Marana karaka bhavas
Sun: Sun is the king and the karaka for health. Sun is all fire and we all know that we have fire in our body in the form of acid in our stomach region where all food is dissolved and it helps to give us energy. Sun also being a king would like to take care of the place where he is the king and also the people of that place. He is an administator and Sun gets exalts in the natural sign of Aries which represents the head of Kala purusha. Hnce when such mighty Sunn is placed in the 12th house of becoming a Yogi it is considered as Marana karaka bhava for Sun. Hence the Marana karaka bhava will be termied as MKS in the article. Sun when placed i the 12th house teds to destroy the house it owns and depends on the rising lagna. For example for Aries lagna let us say Sun is in the 12th house and Leo being the 5th house of rasi chakra and here the 5th house is destroyed. But if the karaka for the 12th house Saturn is in 10th house then results will change and this is considered as Raja Yoga
Moon: Moon is the karaka for mind or mana and nobody would like die and exit from this world. Moon is the karaka for impure blood and also Moon is the karaka for mother and proerties Moon controls the left eye and also controls the face and one of the senses of our body. Moon is like a RAM in a computer and also it is the place where all our thoughts are processed. Moon is the queen of the the kingdom and mother to its child Mercury. When Moon is in the 8th house it feels as if it is dying as 8th house is the house of death and transformation. Nobody wants to die and would like to live longer and hace good health hence Moon cannot be placed in the 8th house where the ownership of the Moon depending on the lagna rising. Hence let us say Aries lagna is rising and Moon is placed in the 8th house which is Scorpio it will destroy the 4th house of happiness,mother and vehicles which it controls
Mars:Mars is all about energy,leardership,analytical skills. Mars is all about bone marrow where the T-Cells and B-Cells gets generated. Mars is about lands and open landed properties. Mars cannot be placed in the 7th house as Mars did not get married as per Hindu religion and here Mars is Hauman and Subramanya. Mars is about celibacy hence when it goes to 7th house which is house of relationships it feels it is dying in 7th house. So when we take Aries lagna and Mars being the lagna lord when placed in the 7th house would tend to destroy the analytical capabilities of the person in question and also the health of the native. Mars is all about having boils on the body and cuts on the body
Mercury: When Mars is all about energy Mercury is all about skills and growth hence we find that Mercury lords both Gemini and Virgo and these are the natural 3rd and 6th house which is the house of growth or Upachaya...Mercury is a child in a kingdom and more interested to learn new skills and grow in his life. So when Mercury is placed in the 7th house of relationship or marriage then it feels suffocated as a child procreate. The purpose of marriage is having children to moe forward the clan(gothra). Hence the houses owned by Mercury are destroyed.
Jupiter: Jupiter is the next big planet after Saturn and Jupiter is all about following the principles of dharma,having moral values and not to kill anbody but resolve the issues acrros the board. 3rd house is the MKS for Jupiter as the karaka for the 3rd house is Mars and we are asking the Jupiter who is a negotiator to take up arms and kill people. Hence 3rd house placement of Jupiter is very and this placement can destroy the houses owned by Jupiter
Venus: Venus we all know is the planet of women,marriage, entertainment and relationships. Venus when placed in the 6th house of celibacy does not like the place where it is placed and depending on what houses it own such houses gets destroyed
Saturn: Saturn is all about pain. Bramha when he created this universe he felt lonely and created Saturn which is all about fear. He felt the fear in him as he was lonely in the Universe. Fear will involved logical analysis for some escape from fear. Hence Sarurn which is the karaka for slow destruction(Cancer is caused by Saturn) Saturn is a very slow planet hence kills slowly. All disease is associated with Saturn. Hence when placed in the first house it tends to destroy our health in a very bad way
Rahu: Rahu is about deception and it is all about not following the principles of dharma or being true to our selves. Rahu when placed in the 9th house which is the house of Jupiter and dharma and we are asking a thief to go and pray to the god it dies over there. Hence such planetary placement is not good for the naitve depending on the houses owned by Rahu
And finally; Ketu is about seperation and Moksha and when Ketu is placed in the 4th house of happiness and Moon being the the karaka for the 4th house Ketu destroys the happiness in our life. Hence cannot be placed here and destroys the houses owned by Ketu.
So here we can understand the various outcomes of these planetary placement which is termed as MARANA KARAKA BHAVAS.