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Unlocking the Secrets of Dasamsa Chakra: A Comprehensive Guide to D-10 Varga Interpretation

Sages are so intelligent that they have understood the importance of life and even the smallest areas of life which needs to be checked and for eample the chart of career and profession.

It would have been suffice to create only the Rasi and Navamsa but sages have also understood the importance of other Varga chakras as they control the smallest part of life . Such area of life is Dasamsa(career or professio) and the varga chakra which needs to be seen is D-10

If the rasi chakra is tree Dasamsa is a branch of the tree(Rasi) Navamsa(the fruits of the tre) and Dasamsa is that tree which is ripe or sweet.

In the rasi chkara the 10th house or the 10th lord or planet in the 10th house plays a very important role and the same has to be seen in the other varga chakra like Navamsa and also the D-10 chart as the lord plays a very important role in determining the otucome of such career or profession

Following are the bhavas which needs to be understood when analzying the D-10 chakra

1)Self and how how the native goes about doing his job in the career

2)It the immediate group with whom the native gets connected

3)This bhava shows the native take initiatibes in his career ir profession

4)It is the office of the native

5)It is the subordinates of the native in his office or profession

6)It shows the competition in the office and also the resources in the career

7)It is the supervisor whom we report

8)It is the obstacles we face in the career and it is also a short retirement

9)It is our boss in our office

10)It is the karma we do in our career

11)Iti is our desires and how we go about acquiring it

12)It is our final retirement

The 2nd,6th and 10th are called as Artha Trikonas and here each of this house have karakas associated with it

10th house: Sun,Mercury,Jupiter and Saturn

7th house:Mercury

6th house:Saturn

The trines:

1st,5th and 9th house:Self Sbordiantes and the Boss

2nd,6th and 10th house:Work,Resources and staff

3rd,7th and 11th house:Business,Gains and profits

4th,8th and 12th house:Office,Retirement and loss in Job


Planets in the fiery signs give us the skills naturally

Planets in the watery signs gives us the abilities after studies

Planets in the airy signs gives us the abilities study and practice

Planets in the earthy signs gives us the abilities afer studying for a long period of time

If a planet is exalted it shows complete abilities while a planet in debility shows inability in those areas controlled by the planet until and unless there is a cancellation of that debility of planet

Two factors have to be checked in the D10 chart to understand the direction that we are taking and the obstructions coming in our way

Jupiter is obstructed by Rahu

Sun is obstructed by Sun itself

Moon is obstructed by Saturn

Mercury is obstrtucted by Moon

Saturn is obstructed by Venus

Rahu is obstructed by Mercury

Mars is obstructed by Jupiter

Venus is obstructed by Mars

Hence to overcome thsse obstruction it is necessary to pray the diety of the obstructig planet

Service oriented planets:

Moon is working for the elite(like politicians or the government)

Mars is police

Rahu is border management

Ketu is spy

Jupiter is teaching or intelletcual profesisons

Saturn is service

Mercury is banking, trading and accounting

10th lord of the rasi chakra Vs its placement in the D-10 chart

Check how your 10th lord of the Rasi placed in the Dasamsa chakra for better understanding of your career

If the 10th lord of your rasi is exalted in the 10th house of the Dasamsa it is gives good ressults

If your 10th lord of the rasi chakra is placed in the 6th house of your dasamsa chakra the you are a service oriented personn

If the 10th lord of the rasi is in the 7th of your dasamsa chakra then you are likely to do business

If the 10th lord of the rasi chakra is i 8th or 12th house of the dasamsa then 8th denotes working for the sick people or heloing them while 12th house denotes workig for the hospitals or working in a foriegn land or for a foreign organization or 10th lord of the rasi chakra in the 12th hohse denotes native establishing something in a foreign country like Srisila Prabhupada where his 10th lord is in the 12th house of the Dasamsa chakra with Ketu the Moksha karaka

Planets which are placed in Digbala gives good results and here also we have to see the 10th lord of the rasi chakra and its placement in the Dasamsa

Mars and Sun are good in the 10th house

Moon and Venus are good in the 4th house

Saturn in the 7th

Mercury in the lagna

If planets are placed in the Dharma trikona that such natives will become teachers or they have large followers

In this chart the lagna rising in th D-10 is Saggitarius and the lord is placed in the 8th house denoting that native faces troubles in his career and it is with Rahu generating ZGuru-Chandal Yoga. 9th lord Sun is sitting in the lagna denoting that native always has his boss sitting on his head and the native follows the rules of dharma(like he works to the best of his ability)..6th lord debiliated in the 10th house is never good for the careere as far as wealth is concerned. Native earned a very low income from his career. He started his career with Rs 1500 and reach ma Rs 10,000 when he retired from his career..Saturn in the 6th house is all about resources and here Venus the lord of the resources is debiliated with no cancellation of debility and the dispositor Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Aquarius..

5th lord which rules the dharma trikona which is Mars and the sign Aries is aspected by its own lord hence making the sign strong...Dharma is strong in the native with respect to career..Here also Venus is the 10th lord of the rasi chakra placed in the 10th house of dasamsa chakra...Gulika is rising with Venus denoting that native faced lot of issues in his career..During the periods of the Moon-Mercury native left his job and took retirement from his career and never worked again..Moon is the lord of the 8th house in the 7th house of business(note when the dasa lord is placed in the 7th house then service gets impacted)

The Pratyantara dasa was that of Venus and here it is Debilitated(Not good for the continuity of the job) and in the rasi chakra the same Venus is burnt in the fiery sign..The present dasa of the native is that of Rahu and it is 3rd lord of initiative placed in the 8th house of obstacles and retirement and it is with D10 lagna lord Jupiter. Native is not interested to work anymore..

10th lord of the rasi chakra Venus in the 10th house of D-10 in the sign of Virgo which denotes Communications and native most of his life worked in Mobile industry and DTH industry...


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