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Unlocking the Meaning Behind Your Auspicious Dreams: A Guide to Interpretation

In this article we will discuss about DREAMS and how to interpret dreams

Dreams is not a kind death but you are there and you are dreaming something. Everyday we dIE and everyday you are waking up.

Some planet is throwing light in your mind and this causes the dream to happen. Sun and Moon are the luminaries which have light and can project light and other planets do not have light

Hence here the lagna or lagna lord has to be considered and its connection with Sun and Moon to validate that the native had dream.

Today I had a dream that I and my father and mother are in an auto and the driver was driving rashly and I was screaming and abusing him. Here is the chart drawn now at the time of writing this article

In this dream chart we find that lagna is rising in Scorpio and Sun is with Lagna denoting that the dream is legitimate. Here we find that Rahu and Saturn are also aspecting the lagna and Mercury. Jupiter in the 7th house is also aspecting my dream lagna and here Mars is lagnesh in Cancer in Movable sign deonoting that I was moving in my dream.

Some important pointers to annalyze the dreams:

Dreams will frutify when the person dreams in the first quarter of the nigth the results will frutify in a year and if the person dreams in the Second quarter the results will frutify will be within 8 months and withini three months in the Third quarter and within 15 days if the dream is in Fourth quarter and the dreams results will be fast when the native has dreams early in the morning.

A dream which is dreamt by a sick person or physically challenged person does not givre results

A person who has dreams but wakes up after the dream and sleeps again then the dreams will not frutify

Dreams seen bya sick man or who is frighteed or naked or smeared with excrete the dream will not frutify

The dream will not frutify if the native disclose the dream to his near or dear people

A man receives wealth if he dreams that he is ridng on a Ox or Elephant or a Horse or he is climbing a tree or a mountain or walls.

Native will become extremely rich if he dreams a VINA(Lyre) in his dreams

Native gets wealth if he is dreaming if he is injured in his dreams or he is smeared with blood or is bitten by boils

If the native dreams that he is being stabbed and blood is coming out and if he does not die in his dream it is beneficial for him.

If a person in his dream kills another person and if the other person does not die then it is good for the dreamer

When a person dreams of a godly thing then it is the Jupiter which gives effect

When a person dreams of blood then it is the Mars which is the karaka for such dreams

A man will attain desired objects or receives a pleasent news when he sees that he is eating the flesh of a bird

A person will get good results if he sees that he is walking with an Umbrella or a pair of shoes or he sees a shart edged object

A perso who dreams early in the morning after Sun rise then the results will frutify in a week or month

If a person dreams of being bit by a white snake he will get a wife who is modest

If a native gets dreams of a Sun and Moon then he will get rid of his disease

The rresult of the dream will be obtained from the 9th house. Treat the 9th house as dream lagna and derive the results of the dream

If the native dreams of a leech or Scorpio or a snake will get wealth

If a native prepares a chart of his dream and finds that it has a debilitated in the 4th house the house of happiness will loose his happiness because of the debiliated chart

More planets in a house will tell us about that house outcome like more planets in the 5th house ensures something related to education

One gets wealth if the native has dreamt of pearl,Conch, sandal or a damond in his or her deams

If a person sees a Shiva Linga then native gets lots of wealth in his or her dream

If a person sees holy placed, jewels and a house in a dream then native become very rich

If a person dreams something and he prepares a chart and find that 10th and 8th lord os conjoined then native will resign from the job as 10th is career or profession and 8th is retirement

If an angle is dreamt by a person native will get wealth

If a person dreams of a shiva with parvati or lakshmi or a brahman with his wife entering his house native will flourish in his or her life

He who receives a pearl string or garland or Sadalwood will get riches in his or her life

If a person receives turmeric or sugarcane or boiled rice in his or her dream will get all over prosperity in his or her life

If a person gets a book in his or her dream will become famous

If a person bows down to a brahmins in his or dream and gets blessings will become powerful

A person get wealth if he sees a lake, River,White snake or White mountain




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