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Ugadi 2024-2025

Ugadi is the festival performed in most of the southern states of India where it is considered as a beginning of the new year and this year this year is called as KRODHI NAMA SAMATVASARA. Here Krodhi means anger Hence this year is full of anger

Out of the total 60 cycles this Krodhi Nama is the 37 years. This year as said earlier the entire world is full of anger which can lead to destruction. There are two cycle of the 60 year cycle which is the present 37 year also the 50 year..

All the planets are assigned portfolio for this year hence the king of the year is Mars and also note that the day in which this year started is also Tuesday and the Hora lord is Saturn.

The tithi in which this new year started is Sukhla Pratipada(1st day of the brighter half of the Moon) and the Moon is transiting Ketu

Following are the portfoilios given to the grahas



Army general-Saturn





Village head-Saturn


As the rain is controlled by Saturn hence rains will be average and Saturn denotes delay hence there could be a delay in the start of the Mosoon

King being Mars the world leaders will always try to fight with other countries and also wage wars

Minister being Saturn there could be lack of co-ordination between the king and the Minister as both thses planets are inimical in nature

Mars being king there will be blood shed,disease and also theft will be the order of the day for the whole 2024-2025..The rulers of the world will try to defeat each other also create disturbances in the world order.

Saturn controlling the army we find that there will be lack of coordination between the kings and army general and police people and all those who are controlling security.

Satur is a planet of disease and pain hence if he has become Minister in this year we find that there will lot of robbers doing robbery and creating fear among the citizens of the world. Note that at the time of creation when Bramha was alone and there was darkness all round him and he had fear he then created Saturn to overcome the fear in him

In this year Mars being the lord of the lands all those lands which are red in colour will yield more grains and red grains will be more in production.

As most of the portfolios are controlled by Mars and Saturn we see that this year is not good at all in most of the activities. There will be fear of war and we know and have seen that war is already going on between Russia and Ukraine and a fresh war errupted between Israel and Iran..

For the country India it will be a very fruitful year as Jupiter is transiting 11th house from Moon hence the finances will be excellent and we can see lot of growth in this region

For our PM Shree Narendra Modi Ji we find that from his Moon sign Jupiter is transiting Taurus which is excellent for him and surely he will be the PM of India for the 3rd time..

Rahu is transiting the 10th house of the new year natal chart hence most of the muslims countries will face problems wih respeect to finances and there will be military coup to over-throw the existing govermet.

For the country Saudi Araia the Moon is rising in Cancer sign hence the tansit of Jupiter is also good for the finances of the country..

For the country like Israel we find that the Moon sign is also Cancer and Jupiter is transiting its 11th house showing that their desires will be fulfilled..The present dasa is that of Mercury and it is with Sun(weak ad in Zero degree) and ketu which is placed in the sign of Libra hence not a good period for Israel till June and may be beyound.

For Pakistan somehow they will survive but after May it will be more difficult for them to surivive as Jupiter is transiting 8th house from the natal Jupiter and also formigGuru chandal yoga..

Natives who are born in Aries,Cancer,Virgo,Scorpio,Capricorn will have a good time till the Jupiter is there in the Taurus sign and for other signs it is an average time.

Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah




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