Tithi Pravesha chakra of KCR
Tithi Pravesha chakra in short henceforth in this article is written as TPC. TPC is the return of the Sun and Moon to the original sign as placed in the chart at the time of the birth of the native. TPC is valid for 12 months
When analyzing TPC we hace to look for the following:
1)The lagna of the natal chart and the lagna of the TPC
2)Nakshtra rising at the time of drawing the TPC
3)Day lord rising at the time of drawing the TPC
The lagna lord of the TPC and the lagna lord of the natal chart should be friendly to each other
The lagna of the TPC and the lagna of the natal chart should be in kendra 1,4,7,10 or Trikoa 1,5,9 from each other
The nakshatr lord rising in the TPC should be well placed like kendras,trikonas,no malefics aspects or should not be with malefics or hemmed between malefics or aspected by malefics are nakshatra lord controls our health and longevity
Day lord is like the king of the chart during the 12 month period and we have to check its placement in the chart and also see as to whether ay yogas are operating as the day lord is like the Sun

C:\Program Files (x86)\Jagannatha Hora\data\KCR
Annual TP
Date: March 13, 2025
Time: 21:46:26
Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)
Place: 78 E 51' 00", 18 N 06' 00"
Siddipet, India
Altitude: 0.00 meters
Lunar Yr-Mo: Krodhi - Phalguna
Tithi: Pournimasya (Sa) (56.58% left)
Vedic Weekday: Thursday (Ju)
Nakshatra: Poorva Phalguni (Ve) (32.32% left)
Yoga: Soola (Ju) (63.72% left)
Karana: Vishti (Sa) (13.16% left)
Hora Lord: Mars (5 min sign: Cn)
Mahakala Hora: Mars (5 min sign: Li)
Kaala Lord: Sun (Mahakala: Sun)
Sunrise: 6:27:55
Sunset: 18:20:26
Janma Ghatis: 38.2712
Ayanamsa: 24-11-35.00
Sidereal Time: 8:58:01
C:\Program Files (x86)\Jagannatha Hora\data\KCR
Natal Chart
Date: February 17, 1954
Time: 10:30:00
Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)
Place: 78 E 51' 00", 18 N 06' 00"
Siddipet, India
Altitude: 0.00 meters
Lunar Yr-Mo: Vijaya - Magha
Tithi: Pournimasya (Sa) (56.58% left)
Vedic Weekday: Wednesday (Me)
Nakshatra: Aasresha (Me) (14.90% left)
Yoga: Sobhana (Su) (28.88% left)
Karana: Vishti (Sa) (13.16% left)
Hora Lord: Jupiter (5 min sign: Sg)
Mahakala Hora: Mars (5 min sign: Aq)
Kaala Lord: Saturn (Mahakala: Saturn)
Sunrise: 6:45:02
Sunset: 18:12:43
Janma Ghatis: 9.3737
Ayanamsa: 23-12-04.34
Sidereal Time: 20:01:58
In the Panchange we see the following:
Tithi rising is Pournaamavasya and Saturn is the lord
Day lord is Mercury
Nakshatra lord is Aslesha whose lord Mercury
Day lord being Mercury is placed in the 6th house with Venus in Marana karaka bhava and also it with 5th lord Rahu
The tithi lord is Saturn placed in the 5th house in its Moolatrikona bhava along with Bhadhaka lord Sun which is also the lord of the 11th house
Sun is the chara atmakaraka being placed in the 5th house of Kumha which is called as Twsstha aditya and the significance of this aditya is CREATIVITY,INTELLIGENCE,SKILLFUL,DIPLOMAT AND INOVATIVE
Badhakesa with Sun denotes problems with government and the people of the socieity and also it is the 5th house which also gives us a clue that he will face some troubles with one of his child
Jupiter being the chara Putra karaka is in the Rohini star and the Jupiter is placed n the 8th house of bad karma(prarabdha) and this also gives clues that one of the child will face some issues in their lives. Jupiter is in the sign of Taurus the natural house of finances
9th lord of the baghya or luck is debiliated in the sign of Pisces with Rahu and Venus but here being with Venus Merury is attaining Neecha bhanga hence there will riseof baghya for the native
Saturn being the chara Amatya karaka placed in the 5th house denotes that the native will re-enter into the domain of politice/power/authority as Saturn breing in Moolatrikona will do its job
The dasa of Saturn is starting from 28-02-2025 but being with Sun will the badhakesa the people closer to him will try to tarnish his image and pull him down
Moon the lord of the 11th house of desires is placed in the badhaka house with Arudha lagna the image of the native, denotes that there will some issues regarding the image of the native. People may not accept him or will try to question his image in the society
Two malefics Saturn and Sun are aspecting the Moon placed in the Leo sign. Sun when also aspecting its own sign Leo which is 11th house of his friends or desires denotes some influential people will help the native in his quest to again gain power and authority
The 10th lord Moon of the rasi chakra in the TPC chart is well placed in the D-10 chart in the sign of Pisces and there also we find that Moon is the lord of the 5th house
From Moon we find that 5th ad 8th lord Jupiter is placed in the 10th house of the TPC chart and with Ghatika lagna denoting power and authority and Brighu Bindu
Native will try to gain power and authority but Jupiter being in the 8th from lagna will block such desires. Here Jupiter dnotes saffron party and Moon denotes the Hand party which is congress
Let us see what is in store for KCR the ex-CM of Telengana