Tithi Pravesha chakra India 2024-25
In this article we will discuss about the Tithi Pravesha chakra for the country India and for the year 2024-2025
Before moving ahead with the analysis first let us understand what is Tithi Pravesha chakra and for the benefit of the readers tithi pravesha chakra hence forth will be termed as TPC
What is TPC?
Tithi pravesha chakra is that chakra prepared when the Su-Moon distance is the same as it was in the natal chart. Which means let us say Sun-Moon at the time of the creation of the entity whether it is a individual or country or state when the Sun-Moon are in the same sign or the difference of longitude between Sun-Moon is equal to 12 degree then a TPC is prepared. In simple terms TPC is prepared anually during the Solar return
This chakra is valid for a period of 12 months and here we need to analyze the following:
The lagna of the TPC has to be considered in the chart and understand how the the lagna chanelises the energy of the TPC to that of the natal chart. Thus when the TPC lagna is in Kendra(1,4,7,10) or Trikona(1,5,9) it will bring prosperity otherwise it will create obstacles
The lagna lord also plays a important role in the TPC chart to understand any success or failures for the 12 month period
The day lord is also important as it is the king of the chart and here the day lord has to be seen from Sun rise to the Sunset. Th day lord if it is a functional benefic good results are observed otherwise bad results. The intensity of the results can be judged in the natal chart by the placement of the day lord . Note that the day lord cannot be in 6,8,12 houses of the natal chart
Hora lord also plays a role in the TPC as it will help us understand the events unfolding due to its placement in the TPC chart.
Apart from seeing the hora lord in the TPC chakra the same can be seen in other divisional charts and its influence on our life
This is the chart of India and the TPC chart drawn for the year 2024-25. India attained independence at the midnight stroke in the year 1947 August 15th 00:01 hours.
The lagna rising was that of Taurus an earthy sign and with 10th lord Rahu placed in the lagna denoting that foreigner will rule the country..6th house has Jupiter placed and it is the 8th lord in the 6th house creating Vipareeta Raja yoga and here 6th house denotes enemity and mighty Jupiter standing in the front like 1000 elephants protecting the country from the foreign invasions and onslaughts.
12th lord and 7th lord Mars in the 2nd house denoting that the country will make progress and unknows enemies will try to put pressure on India as Mars is all about wars and fights and here Mars in the 2nd house is not good in the dark sign Gemini. The lagna rising of those countries which are of Aries will be enemies and those lagna rising that of Capricorn or Capricorn Moon sign will also be the enemies of the country. Here we know that the lagna and Moon sign of China is Capricorn The lagna rising with that of Capricorn will also become badhaka or obstacle house for India and again China will be the enemy of India
The lagna of the TPC is rising in Vrischika which is a dark sign and the natal lagna of the country India is in Taurus and the axis is that of 7/7 axis and the lords of these signs are Mars and Venus and these two lords are also well placed in the TPC chart in 4/10 axis denoting that the country focus will be on the development as we can find that two lords of the Vrischika rasi is Ketu and Mars and here Mars is well placed in the 7th house with Jupiter creating Guru Mangala Yoga with A9 rising denoting luck and prosperity.
11th lord is having Ketu denoting fulfilling all the desires of the country as lagnesh in the 11th house denotes growth. Virgo is the sign of growth as per the Kala purusha chakra as it is the natural 6th house whose lord is Mercury and Mercury is all about business.
Mercury is well placed in the 10th house of Karam bhava along with 7th lord Venus which si also connected to the partners or business partners..
Day lord rising in the TPC is Friday and the lord is Venus well placed in the TPC in the 10th house of karma bhava and rising with A7 denoting rise of business opportunites for the country and its people
Venus is also well placed in the Navamsa chakra along with 7th lord Moon. Benefics in the 4th house denotes all round happiness in the country..
In the 5th house of the TPC we find that Rahu is transiting in the sign of Pisces denoting that people of the country migrating to different parts of the world as Pisces is the natural 12th house. Here the 4th is having a retro Saturn does not bode well for the well being of the country as Saturn is a malefics planet placced in its Moolatrikona sign(it will do its job)
Sun is placed in the cancer sign itself acting like a Varuna aditya and India will rise as a power in the Ocean front..Cancer is water related sign.
Chara atmakaraka itself is Saturn and placed in the 4th house denotes that the country will face some obstacles at the home front but Saturn is a planet of determination and India will be determined and stand as a rock to bring happiness to its citizens
Moon even though badly placed in the 8th house destroying the house it own which is Cancer sign the 9th house which is house of foreign country and the also house of investment India will face obstacles in these areas and we find that Moon is in the star of Jupiter and Jupiter is the lord of the 2nd house of finances and 5th house of ctizens will do better for the country at large.
Jupiter here is chara bhratukaraka(guru type or mentor) and here USA chart is rising with Saggitarius lagna giving us a clue that USA will become the mentor of India for the period 2024-2025
Trump chart iis rising with Leo lagna and Leo in Inia TPC chart is connected to the 10th house of karma. Here we find that his 10th lord Venus is placed in the Leo rasi giving use a clue that he will be leaning towards India..
Moon in the 8th house denotes that a sudden transformation in the country and citizens of India will be at the fore front for such transformation. Note Moon is all about people,society and this Moon is placed in the sign of Gemini(dark sign) and we also find that A10,A8,UL are rising. A6 is all about enemity and presently in the Narayana dasa of the Bangladesh Gemini is rising denoting that Bangladesh will be the enemy of India and Vice-Versa.
Hora lord is badly placed in the rasi and the TPC
Hora lagna is rising in the Taurus sign which is an earth sign and in the 7th house of the TPC chart is good for the increase of business prospects for India.
6th house of eemity and its lord Mars is placed i the 7th house will denote rise of enemity,disease and other significations of the 6th house but being under the influence of Jupiter will calm down
Overall during the year 2024-25 the TPC is good in all aspects