The Bangladesh Crisis: What's Really Happening?using Jyotish
In this article we will explore about Bangladesh and the crisis it is facing in the year 2024.

What happened:
In the year 2024 in the month of August there was a political crisis where the people of bangaldesh started protesting about the 30% reservation in the government offices and this led to the topple of the government and the PM of Bangladesh had to resign and flee the country. Now she is in India seeking Political Asylum.
Chart of bangladesh:
In the chart of Bangaldesh we take the Moon sign as the Bangladesh was created in the year 26th March 1971 with its Capital as Dacca. As per numerology and Loshu grid we find that adding 2+6 we get 8 number which is the number of Saturn and Saturn denotes transformation. The year 2024 when put to gether it will also be 8. Hence the Conduction number is 8 and the drier number is 29 when we count all the date of birth of the bangladesh 2+9=11 and the sign digit is 2.
Here the 8 and 2 numbers are inimical to each other.
In the chart of the country we find that Moon is placed in Meena rasi in the star of Uttarbhadra star whose lord is Jupiter and here the Jupiter is retrograde in the sing of Vrischika rasi in the 6th house of enemy. Note that the lagna of United states is Saggitarius whose lord is Jupiter and the also the lagna of Pakistan is Aries where Saturn is Debilitated.
Lagna is in the sign of Mithuna in Ardra star whose lord is Rahu and Rahu is placed in the 8th house of sudden transformation. 10th house is the house of the government where as 9th house is the house of leader and here 9th and 10th lords are Jupiter/Mars and ketu
The Marakas for the Moon sign is Aries and Virgo and the lords are Mars and Mercury and here we find thta Saturn is placed in the sign of Aries.
The Pressent dasa is that of Venus and this Venus is placed in the kumbha rasi the natural sign of Bdhaka and the badhakesa is Rahu and Saturn placed in the 2nd house and 11th houise from Moon.
The antar dasa is that of Jupiter and here as said earlier Jupiter is retrograde and also the lords of the 10th house. Dasa of Jupiter started from 10.02.2024 till 14.10.2024..and finally the Pratyantara dasa is that of Saturn and it is placed in the Maraka sign Aries. Here when Saturn is placed in the sign of Aries it will lead to war like situation and that is what happened in Bangladesh where the government was toppled from the seat and it was taken over by Military, Aries sign is controlled by Mars and Mars s all about agression and Military rule.
In the Narayana dasa it is Taurus which has got activated and the lord is Venus placed in the natural house of Badha Kumbha rasi..The period is from 2022-2031. So we find that Bangladesh will have some or the other issues till the year 2031...