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Swearing chart (Modi)

This is the swearing chart of Modi o 09th June 2024 at ew Delhi

Panchanga details:


Tithi:Sukhla chaturthi

Star: Punarvasu


Karana:Vanija (Venus)

In order for any entity whether it is a native or a person or a king of a country to peform properly we have to check the Panchanga and see how the lords of these Panchange is placed in the chart.

In the above example we find that Varesh lored being Sun is well placed in the 7th house in Taurus sign along with the tithi lord Mercury and Star lord Jupiter

8th lord Mercury is with the 6th lord Venus denoting that some issues can crop up and may lead to the government not completing its full terms. 8th house is always the house of transformation and and it is with 10th lord Sun..

The HL lagna lord being with Moon denotes that country will invest in foreign companies or the foreign companies will invest in India as 9th is the house of investment and also here we find that Moon also denotes the head of the state

Moon is very strong in the chart as it is placed in its own sign in rasi and navamsa denoting the blessing of shakthi.

Apart from that we also find that 9th house is having Moon in its own sign while the 4th lord is having Saturn in its Moolatrikona sign which is also good.

7th house being strong ensures that the country will have good relationships with its partner countries and business will boom for the next 5 years

Pisces is rising in the Navamsa with 10th lord and lagna lord being Jupiter himself and this is a strong indicator of the country and the head of the country following proper rules and regulations to run the country

Saturn in the 4th house even though is in its Moolatrikona sign but still it will create some happiness in the home front..5th house is the house of citizens of the country and we find that Rahu is placed in the sign of Pisces which is not good as the citizen of India may fall trap to various vices put forth to them.

The lord of the Vrischika lagna which is Ketu is placed in the house of upachaya(growth) in the 11th house denoting gains for the country from eports and this aspected by Rahu also denoting import from other coutries..

Venus being the atmakaraka for the chart is well placed in the 7th house of relatioships and busiess with other coutries there by bringing other countries closer to India.

Countries finances will increases due to boom in business and export of products Made in India.

From 2025 we can expect some issues we are going to face in the home country as Saturn will be operating . 4th is all about happiness and the direction . Saturn brings about some obstacles at home coutry..

Modi will try to bring in some new rules which may be create some unrest in the country

Now Saturn is transiting its moola trikona sign Aquarius from the chart Moon which is 8th house of transfromatio and from June 30th for a period of 3 moths Saturn is retrograde

Nava thara chakra at the time of swearign

Tara (Moon) Meaning Lord Nakshatra 1 Nakshatra 2 Nakshatra 3

Janma Birth Jupiter Puna Visa PBha

Sampat Wealth Saturn Push Anu UBha

Vipat Danger Mercury Asre Jye Reva

Kshema Well-being Ketu Magh Mool Aswi

Pratyak Obstacles Venus PPha PSha Bhar

Saadhana Achievement Sun UPha USha Krit

Naidhana Death Moon Hast Srav Rohi

Mitra Friend Mars Chit Dhan Mrig

Parama Mitra Good friend Rahu Swat Sata Ardr

Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah




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