There is a difference of opinion among astrologers with respect to how Swamsa is determined. In this case SWAMSA denotes the lagna of the Navamsa . The Navamsa sign occupied by the Atmakaraka isc called the Karakamsa in the Navamsa chart and this sign is called as Karakamsa lagna while the lagna of the Navamsa is called Lagnamsa.
Swa refers to lagna and in a broader sense includes the Atmakaraka also.
Lagnamsa represents that which is readily available or which can be easily achieved whereas the karkamsa reparesents the desire of the soul. Now if these two are in the same sign then there is a stage which is set for self actualisation(understanding self) and if these are in 6/8 axis then the life of the native will be like a bed of thorns
If there are only benefics in karakamsa and Navamsa lagna and if these are aspected by benefics the native will surely enoy rajayoga.
Similarly benefics in Swamsa or its kendra or its trines and if these are not conjoined or aspected by malefics then native will surely be prosperous and knowledgable. Mixed planets will give mixed results.
Let us consider various signs
Aries Navamsa brings troubles from rats and cats
Taurus Navamsa brings troubles like from cows and bulls or it can also brings happiness
Gemini Navamsa brings troubles like itching and weight problems
Cancer Navamsa brings trouble from watery diseases and water related problems
Leo Navamsa brings troubles from dogs and such large animals
Virgo Navamsa brings indicates troubles from fires and skin infections
Libra Navamsa brings troubles from trade and business
Scorpio Navamsa indicates trouble from watery disease and reptiles and snakes
Sagittarius Navamsa indicates danger from falling from heights
Capricorn Navamsa indicates danger from birds and bad spirits
Aquarius Navamsa indicates construction of lakes, tanks and temples
Pisces Navamsa indicates person who is law abiding and good person who follows rules and regulations
When the Atmakaraka is placed in the Pisces Navamsa then it is stated that native will achieve moksha
If the Atmakaraka is afflicted then note that native will face lot of issues in his life and the physical issues will be seen from the badhaka lord.
Various planets in the Swamsa gives different results:
Sun-Political worker and good at social service
Moon-Native is knowledgeable and is very fortunate
Mars-Expert in war fare and all activities of fire
Mercury-A good business men and also a skilled laborer
Jupiter and Venus-Government or political person
Saturn-Any activity which needs hard work
Rahu-Thief or a cheater or a person who can deal with chemical and drugs
Ketu-Computers or those devices which are very small in nature
In order to understand the experience of the soul in this life we have to see the rasi dasa called as Atma karaka Kendradi rasi dasa.