Solar eclipse 2024 (Surya graha)
Today is 8th of April 2024 and on this day we know that there is a Solar eclipse occuring after the last lunar eclipse which occured very recently.
This eclipe is occuring in the North Amercia regio and the path of this eclipse is in 18 different state of the USA.
The elipse would last for 4 minutes and 27 seconds and it will be seen in Canada,US and North Amercia and this is no visible in India as it will be night time for India. The time when the eclipse is starting is after 9:00 Pm and end at the mid night hour after 1:00 AM IST
The sign in which this eclipse is happening is in Meena(Pisces) and the star in which the elcipse is occuring is Revati star.

As you ca see in this chart the sign Pisces which is the natural 12th house has Rahu,Sun,Venus and Moon conjoined and here Rahu is in 21 degrees and Sun is in 25 degrees there by the eclipse is very close hence it is a total solar eclpse and the same time being in Revati star it is said that those born in this star or having lagna or Moon or even your Atma karaka in this sign need to be take remedial measures to come out of the bad effeccts of the eclipse
How does the eclipse effect you:
1)Ascertain whether your lagna or Moon is in the revati star
2)Ascertain in which Pada is the grahas associated with the grahana. If the planets in revati star has the same pada as the pada of the graha then it will effect you materially otherwise it will impact on some other areas of life
Check what is the degree of your lagna or Moon and if these are in Revati star and the degrees of these two are between 16-40 till 25-12) then note that this elipse will effect you. If the degree is less than 25 then the there will be trails and tribulations in your life for the next 18 years otherwise understand that the trials and tribulations are already over and you can be relaxed
As the eclipse will not effect the natives of the country or countries where the eclipse is seen it will also effect the nation itself and its rulers
If the solar eclipse is coming before the lunar eclipse then it is good for the nation and if it is coming after the Lunar eclipse then it is bad for the nation at large where loss of money and the nations will face setbacks.
The most important reference points which needs to be considered for checking the impact of the eclipse is as follows:
Arudha lagna
and here the most important is whether the above reference points have the same nakshatra as the eclipse itself.
If the lagna lord os the Sun is placed before the eclipse point then the effects will start occuring before the elcipse itself otherwise it will be later the eclipse.

This is the chart of India and here we find that eclipse is in Pisces sign but in the chart of India there are no planets in revati star as this is the main reference point. Lagna is in 7 degrees and Sun is in 28 degree while the Moon is in Pushymai star. Hence as there is no connection to the referene point there is no major impact on India with this eclipse.
The axis which this eclipse is occuring in the 11th house of gains and desire and also the house of freinds and spending. Since the Moon degree is less compared to the degree of the eclipse which is 25 degrees then we can say that India will see the effects of this eclipse after it has gone for the next 18 years.
As I said it is in Pisces sign the sign of the 11th house of India and there is no planet placed heree hence there is no direct impact or any maor impact of this eclipse

In the chart of Namo we find that Rahu is placed in the 6th house of enemity the degree of this Rahu is degrees which is less than the degree of the eclipse hence he has to face some issues in his life with respect to enemity and back stabbing.
His Moon is is also less than the degree of the elcipse and Moon being the lord of the 10th house it will impact his career as Cancer is the 10th house in his chart with Ghatika lagna(denoting power and authority) it will impact him after the eclipse.
Lagna is in 26 degree and it is 1 degree more than the degree of the eclipse the effect will be felt before the elcipse itself...His Sun,Moon,Lagna,Arudha lagna are not in the 3rd pada hence it will not effect him materialistically but rather it may impact his image and health.
Rahu is rising in Pisces with Sree lagna and also with A10,A4 which denotes that it will impact his career and also his happiness and he may see some disturbances in the country.
relationships. Here Jupiter is in the sign of Aries which is a sign of Fire and agression Namo may take some drastic decision during his tensure from 2024.
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah