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Serial Killer(Ted Bundy)

The article focuses on the circumstances faced by the native which can make him or her a serial killer.This is the case of Ted Bundy who was considered as a worst killer who used to kidnap young women and raped them and dismembered their body parts and used to keep their hands as a souvenir.

Here we need to see the following to confirm that he has the tendency to become a serial killer in his life.

Atma karaka placement to understand for what purpose the soul is born and what karma it is carrying in this present life. If the AK is placed in 6th,8th or 12th house or afflicted by malefics then we can say that the Atma is carrying a heavy karma or burden OR Atmakaraka is placed in the badhaka sthana or with Badhakesa.

In this chart we find that the Venus is the AK and it is retrograde. Retrograde planets carry more karma from the past life. Venus denotes women and in Libra denotes Market Place and here Venus also indicates sexual emotions. Jupiter in the Marana karaka situation in the 3rd house would destroy the houses it owns which is 5th house(intelligence).Jupiter in the sign of Venus does not go well with the planets Venus as Jupiter and Venus even though they are Great Gurus but they are not friendly to each as one is Sura graha and another is Asura graha. (Asura graha means that graha which are friendly to malefic planets).

Here the 4th house of mother is heavily afflicted leading to native to grow up at his maternal grandparents house for the first 3 years of his life. 4th house is with 5 planets and Moon getting afflicted heavily by graha dristi of Rahu from the 10th house and conjoined Ketu,Sun and Mars by conjunction. Here we find that AK is baldy placed from the 4th house which denotes that his Atma is not accepting the biological mother and also treating the mother as his enemy...Here we find that Jupiter is his chara Matrukaraka.

For the Leo lagna the badhaka sthana is Aries and Mars is the badhakesa placed in the 4th house in its own sign Vrischika. 4th house is Kendra and it is the house of nurturing and here when we see a badhakesa like Mars placed we can understand that there is lack of Nurturing from his mother and Rahu aspecting this 4th house making it more potent.

Retrograde Mercury in the 4th house would denote that the native mother would change her name some time in her life and this occurred during the year 1950 when Ted's mother changed her name from Cowell to Nelson.The dasa period is of Mercury which was operating from 1936-1953 Mercury retrograde denotes reversing of the name or taking up a new name..

Ted's mother remarried in the year 1951 to a cook who used to work with her and later Ted was adopted by his step father. Ted did not like his Step father as he was earning very less and he wasn't very bright. Taking the 4th house as the lagna of the mother the fist marriage is seen from the 7th house where Rahu is placed(Rahu denoting cheating) and in facts Ted's mother was cheated by a person who used to work in vessels(water ships).Rahu in the sign of Taurus whose lord is Venus which can denotes a person who used to work water related fields as Venus is Jala tattwa graha. The 2nd marriage will be seen in the 8th from 7th which is Sagittarius and here the lord is Jupiter placed in the 3rd house in MKS which gives a clear picture that Ted dislike his Step father...

His first crime came during the year 1969 when Venus Mahadasha was operating and his first killing came in the year 1971 when Jupiter antardasha was operating. Jupiter in the 3rd house as said it is bad as Jupiter denotes Jeeva and also Venus-Jupiter were operating together in the 3rd house in Parakrama bhava and these two planets will act as if they like Mars(aggression) both these planets are placed in the 12th from Mars the natural bhava karaka for the 3rd house

Through the year 1973-1974 Venus-Jupiter and Venus-Saturn he indulged in many heinous activities resulting in missing women from college. His first arrest came in the year August 16th 1975 and the dasa operating was of Venus-Saturn. For Leo lagna natives the dasa periods of Saturn-Venus or Venus-Saturn is troublesome as both the graha have different tattvas and they are inimical to each other.

He escaped during the year 1977 and 1978 and finally caught and sentenced to electrocution(death by putting him on a chair and electrocuting). The year was January 24th 1989. and the dasa operating was Moon-Rahu-Mercury. Here we find that dasa chidra was operating wherein from the Mahadasha Moon the antardasa was that of Rahu which is a Maraka(7th house)

which gives Apamruthyu and at the time of his death he was just 42 years old.

In his Navamsa chart his AK Venus is with Rahu in the kama Trikona which is connected to his desires from the past life...

Narayana dasa operating was Libra-Virgo and Virgo is 12th from Libra and 2nd from Natal lagna..Saturn and Rahu are aspecting the Virgo rasi by graha drishti making it very potent to kill him...

Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah|||



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