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Saturn and Jupiter transit 2025 for Taurus sign

In this article we will discuss about the transit of two major planets Saturn and Jupiter during the year 2025 and what are the major changes which can occur for these natives

Now in the year 2025 as of now we find that Saturn is transiting Poorva Bhadra and it is transiting its Moolatrikona sign and from the natal Lagna and the natal Moon the present transit is not good for the last few years as Saturn is transiting the 10th house from these points ie Moon and lagna. 10th house transit is called as KANTAKA SHANI and when this is seen from lagna point of view Saturn makes the native work hard but the outcome of such hard work will not be recognized

While the same transit from Moon makes the native confused and also native feels that he or she is doing the same work again and again and native will face distressed during the transit

Saturn where he is placed will aspect 3rd house,7th house and 10th house by graha dristi

Transits have to be seen from:




Arudha lagna

and finally Arudhas

Here we have to consider the rising lagna as it will shows which areas of life the native feels distressed

Usually the transit of Saturn lasts for 2 and half years in each sign and takes 30 years to cover the entire zodiac

The first star where the Saturn transited was that of Dhanista and it was on Feb 13 2023 and then it transited the star Satabisha during April 13 2023 and then it transited Dhanista star again on Nov 13 2023. Note that it stayed for a longer period of time in the star of Satabisha whose lord is Rahu

On April 13 2023 it is transiting Poorvabhadra till Oct 13 2024 and then again connected to the star Satabisha from Oct 2023 till Dec 2023 and now it is transiting Poorvabhadra till March 13 202 and later it will transiting Uttara Bhadra pada from March onwards where it is moving from Aquarius to Pisces

Around Mqrch 28th 2025 it will be moving into Pisces where we also find that during this time along with Saturn few more grahas are conjoing it and these are

Mercury,Moon,Venus and Sun. These are called as Shasta koota grahasand also at this point of time there is a Kala sarpa yoga where all the planets are in the ais of Ketu and Rahu and also during this we find that Sun is getting eclipsed in the same sign where Rahu is also placed

Taurus people all these yars where Saturn was transiting did not feel good or rather had a bad time in career and the overall lifes

But from March onwards after the shasta koota graha they will start seeting good things happening in their lives as Saturn is in the house of Upachaya (growth) and 11th house is also considered the house of growth and fulfilment of desires

But for the people who are having their lagna here they will feel very letargic as Saturn is a slow moving planet and it also form Meena (Pisces) lagna it is Marana karaka for Saturn and it tends to spoil their health

Health caution is advised for people who have Pisces lagna rising. The effect will be more if the dasa and antar dasa of Saturn is also operating at the same time . Prayers are need for lord siva or lord Hanuman

People who have arudha lagna (AL) here they need to be careful with their image as image will fall down and the remedy lies in reciting the mantra of Visnu(Om visnave namah) daily from the day transit starts

Around this year we also find that Jupiter another major graha will be shifting its sign from Taurus to Gemini

All while for the last 1 year we foound that Jupiter when trnasiting their Moon which is Taurus here their health issues rised and lot of expeniture was on the books and their weight incereased.

Now from June 2025 onwards Jupiter will transiting their 2nd house from their Moon sign and if the lagna is that of Gemini then it will transit the lagna after June

For Taurus rais natives its a good time as Moon when transits 2,5,7,9 it brings good luck and also in transitory period it will aspect 5,7,9 from its place. Hence from Taurus Moon sign the 5th houe will be Libra, 7th house will be Saggitarius and 9th house will be Aquarius.

Where ever Jupiter aspects that area of life will bring bliessing from the Jupiter hence people facing health issues will recover as protection will come for the native by this Jupiter transit

Dsease will be cured

relationships will be back to normal

foreign education or foreign tours will be on the books

finances will increase

When dealing with finances think twice before investing

Be careful with your documents as to what are you signing the document for

Relationship will be an issue for most of the married couples and for those who are in love or in relationships

Saturn is transiting the water sign hence world can expect such changes in the water region or in oceans ,Probability of Tusnamis as the earth may slide in the ocean.

Increaae in vehicle incidents and also incidents related to women

Government may fall or the leaders may loose their life(cuation is advised)

People in the entertainment industry will also see a major shift in their lives(already this is happening in USA)

Hence look out for these two major transits and do pray to your ishta devata as it can guide you



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