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Sarvatobhadra chakra

This article is all about Sarvatobhadra chakra. Sarva means "ALL" and badhra means "ALL AUSPICIOUSNESS"

This chakra has 81 boxes and the direction is from North going towards East and then covers South and then finally West. All this is in a clockiwise directio starting from top of the chakra. This chakra is viewed as boxes havig 32,24,16 and 9 boxes each.

Jupiter,Moon,Mercury and Venus are benefic planets while Mars, Saturn,Rahu,Ketu and Sun are malefic planets.

Mercury when in conjoins malefic planets like Saturn and Rahu it makes the Mercury malefic while the association with Mars and Sun makes it slightly malefic.

Moon has no light when the tithi is from Krishna chaturdasi to Sukla Pratipada and the malefic reduces when the Moon transits Sukla dvitiya to Sukla astami and Krishna astami toKrishna tritiya.

Vedha has two meanings 1)in a beneic sense and 2)in a malefic sense.

When benefics has vedha on other planets and stars then it is considered as good vedha while malefics has bad vedha on other planets and stars.

Vedhas are of different types and these are:

Across Vedha

Hind Vedha

Fore Vedha

Preparing the Chakra

The starting of the star which is Aswini starts from NE direction of the chakra and ths is called as Isana Kona

Outer spaces of 32 houses compose of 28 nakshatras and 4 vowels are exluded

The space between forms the seconds house and here the consonants are placed and these are also the seeds of creation

The 2nd square of 16 boes is the bhava mandala and here we have 12 rasis and here agains the vowels are placed

The inner most boxes consists of 9 boxes have pancha tattwas and these are responsible for making physical bodies

Planets can cause vedha to other planets,stars,signs,consonants and vowels in the same way we can also determine the nakshatra from which the planets can cause vedha to another nakshatra.

For example let us say if a planet is transiting a nakshatra then we can draw three lines which are two along the diagonal and one across

A Planet occupying one of the nakshatras in the corners will have vedha with others which are in the corner or opposite corner as per the rule of Jyotish

Let us say a planet is in the star of Krititika then:

Kritika will have hind vedha on Bharani,fore vedha on the vowel A and it will also have vedha on the sign Taurus,Tithi Nanda and bhadra and also Libra, the consonant R and Visakha star

Across vedha with Srava. We find that Kritika is in the NE cotrer of the chakra then the vowel A is also activated if the star is placed in the first quarter and in addtion to Purna tithi also

Judgement of Vedha

Malefics when they are in retrograde motion causes immense ill effects on all the signs,planets,vowels and signs

Natural benefics gives good results when it is in retrograde motion

When a planet is moving fast the they tend to also give the results of those planets which they are conjoined

Consonants vedha

The corner consonants are A,AA,I,II and Poorna tithi

A-Agitation or excitement




Poora tithi-Death

Krura vedha results:




Tithi-Obstacles in relationships

Rasi-Obstacles from Bhava

If all the above points have krura vedha by a malefic planet then native dies

Vedfha from planets:


Moon-mixed results

Mars-Loss of wealth


Rahu and Ketu-All sorts of troubles

Venus-gives entertainment

Mercury-work related benefits


Malefics in debilitation and Benefics in exaltation are desireable

Check the dasa and antar dasa operating along with ashtakavarga to judge the outcoke



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