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After the Kritika star we have Rohini which starts from 10d00s-23d20s in the sign of Taurus and it hs 4 padasa and with respect to Navamsa 1st pada comes to Aries 2nd Pada comes to Taurus m 3rd pada comes to Gemini and 4th pada comes to Cancer

The stars associate with Moon which is the lord of the star Rohini we also find that Hasta and Shravana is also associated with Moon

The Moolatrikona sign of Moon is Taurus and the degree in which it gets exalted is 3d00s

Rohini is ruled by Prajapati the creator and Prajapati is also called as Bramha. Moon is mother and mother has the capabilty to create life

The sakthi associated with Rohini is Rohana sakthi and the power of this sakthi is to Make things grow and create

Rohini is that of RAJAS GUNA and this guna is for motivation and fulfilling of desires

Rohini is a Dhruva or Sthira tara and people born in this star are of fixed mind and they do not move a lot and once they make a decsion it is tough for them to change

Rohini is associated with MANUSHYA gana and the tri mirthi associated is bramha the creator

Rohini is a balanced star and these goal of these people is to get freedom from the suffering in this life and attain moksha

Rohini assocates itself with Foreheads,Ankles and both legs of the human being

The dosha associated with this star is KAPHA and the work of the kapha is to make things stick together and when kapha is dominating you feel confident and people who are born in this star are reliable people

Rohini is that of Sudhra who is the worker and these people are born from the EAR of bramha and the rishi associated is ATRI and the work ATRI means the one who consumes

Rohini is that of Earthy sign and it is URDHWA MUKHA which is facing upeard. Here URDHWA MUKHA MEANS all that activity which requires anything which is going upwards it is done in this star like Space missions.Missiles, joining new jobs,rise in career,new investments

Serpent is the animal symbol associated with Rohini and the Pakshi associated is BAKA. All those people who are born in Rohini should travel to EAST for their overall development

Dristi of this star is ANDHA which means what ever is lost the item is recovered fast from the east direction.

SOUNDS of this star is Oh,Va,Vee,Vu and one should grow a tree of JAMUN IN HIS HOUSE OR GARDEN as it is the tree of this star



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