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Yoga means Union of grahas in the same sign and RAJ mean king hence RAJ YOG denotes king like status. This yoga can get activated in any age of the native life hence it is very important to understand as to which area this yoga is falling and how does it help the native

There are Sun and Moon Yoga's as Sun is father and Moon is Mother and if Sun and Moon are not strong in a native chart then any yoga cannot sustain.

For any person to become influential in the society all planets have to play their roles and no one graha has the capacity to help the native to become influential

For a person to get a government job Sun is very important

For a person to become an bureaucrat Moon is important

For a person to be part of the military or police or law and order Mars is important

For a person to become a business or an actor Mercury is important

For a person to just be a service person then Saturn is important

For a person to be a monk then Ketu is very important

For a person to be a king then Rahu is very important

Hence when we look at the chart we see these planets and what role their are playing and here we have to consider all these planets

Let us see a chart of the CM of Delhi and see what planets have helped him to be the CM of Delhi

10th lord Karmesh is in 12th house of Mesha an Fire sign and he joined Tata Steel in 1989 and resigned with 3 years in the year 1992 to purse his Civil Services and late joined IRS in Rahu Maha dasa(Note that Rahu is in Maraka bhava from Karmesh).

In November 2012 he floated AAP to contest elections and in December 2013 he became the CM of Delhi and it was Jupiter-Venus dasa periods and both these planets are in the 10th from Karmesh and in the year 2014 and in Feb 14 2014 he resigned and the period operating was Jpiter-Venus-Jupiter as this planet is in the 12th from his natal D-10 lagna.12th denotes losses and fall from grace.

On 14th Feb 2015 he became the CM of Delhi the second time and the dasa period is that of Jupiter-Venus and Ketu and here we find that Ketu is placed in the 10th house of his D-10 chakra and still he continuing to be CM of Delhi

And now in the year 2022 he contested elections from Punjab and he won by majority. The time period is Saturn-Saturn-Venus and here we again find that Saturn is Karmesh and Venus is again in 10th house from Karmesh..

Note that 4 planets are in the sign of Leo the natural house of power and authority and all his previous dasa periods are connected to these planets Venus,Mercury,Jupiter... and as per the gochara his actual bad period starts from April 2022 when Saturn changes his sign from Capricorn to Aquarius which is 10th from his natal Moon and it is Kantaka shani..

Later in the months from May to June his Sun Pratyantara dasa will be in operation activating Sankranti dosha as Sun is in 0 degrees and also lord of the 4th house and also placed in the 7th house of the D-10 chart

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