This is the birth of Vladimir Putin the present premier of Russia. The chart is rising with Kanya lagna and the Lagnesh the intelligence of the native is also exalted but with Sun and Saturn hence these two planets control the intelligence of the native. Sun(ego) and Saturn(being harsh and cold).Note that the Lagnesh is also the lord of the 10th house which denotes there is a SIMHASANA YOGA in the chart which made him to sit on the highest pedestal of his country.
Mercury is also the chara Atmakaraka but in the star of Chitra nakshatra whose lord is Mars and here we find that Mars is in the 4th house of happiness and mother and the place of his stay. Mars denotes the area where the country would have been a worn torn and Yes Putin in most of his interviews talk about his horrific living when he was a child
One of his quotes in an interview
"Putin talks about his parents, touching on his father's World War II sabotage missions, the Siege of Leningrad, and life in a communal flat after the war. It isn't easy—no hot water, no bathroom, a stinking toilet, and constant bickering. Putin spends much of his time chasing rats with a stick in the stairwell."
Moon in the 9th house ensure that the native starts earning from the young age of 21-22 and the mother is seen from the 4th hoiuse and the natural lord of the 4th house Moon and the planets placed in the 4th house.
Here we find that 4th lord is Jupiter placed in the 8th house and retro denoting that he has not much of touch with his mother hand also the natural lord of the 4th house is also Moon being placed in the 9th house hence he has more touch with his father than his mother...Father was working in a submarine fleet and here Moon denotes water in the sign of Taurus whose lord is Venus(Vehicle)
Jupiter is his chara Amatyakaraka in the Bharani star(Yama is the god) of this star hence we find that his work is related to those areas where punishment is given and he can be a war monger and also find that the planet associated with chara AK is Jupiter in retro(not ready to listen) and also in the war sign Aries.
Here the chara Pitrukaraka is Venus in the star of Swati and the lord is Rahu in the sign of Saturn denoting that he used to work and also a service oriented person with a knowledge of spying or working in those areas where the use of head is required(Rahu is the planet of espionage)
Mars is the chara Dara karaka in the star of Moola whose lord is Ketu and Moola is not a good star for any marriage related purpose..The planet Ketu is placed in the 8th house from Saggitarius resulting in breaking of marraige..
"In April 2008, the Moskovsky Korrespondent reported that Putin had divorced Lyudmila and was engaged to marry Olympic gold medalist Alina Kabaeva, a former rhythmic gymnast and Russian politician.[2] The story was denied[2] and the newspaper was shut down shortly thereafter.[3] Putin and Lyudmila continued to make public appearances together as spouses, while the status of his relationship with Kabaeva became a topic of speculation.[524][525][526][527] In the subsequent years, there were frequent unsubstantiated reports that Putin and Kabaeva had multiple children together, although these reports were denied.[528]
On 6 June 2013, Putin and Lyudmila announced that their marriage was over, and, on 1 April 2014, the Kremlin confirmed that the divorce had been finalised"
The dasa when he divorced is spouse was that of Saturn and Venus and note that in the rasi chakra the Venus the natural karaka for marriage is placed in the 8th from the 7th house and the Pratyantar dasa operating was that of Ketu which was operating from 03.03.2014 till 10.5.2014
Venus the lord of Baghya is placed in the sign of Libra(own sign) giving him money and also note that Mars denotes properties..
His Ghatika Lagna is placed in the sign of Kanya whose lord is Mercury which is exalted and also associated with Saturn the 5th lord and Sun the 12th lord and also here we find that A10 is rising with HL. Hence we should know that his personnel wealth is always associated about keeping his health fit and fine and also clinging to his power and authority.
The present dasa is that of Saturn the lord of the 5th house and the antar dasa is that of Jupiter which is his chara Amatyakaraka(in the war sign Aries and also retro) and this Jupiter is operating from 08.11.2020 till 19.5.2023 and the Pratyantara dasa is that of Venus in the Swati nakshatra and the lord is Rahu in the 5th house of power and authority..
In the chart of Ukraine we find that Saggitarius lagna is rising when we superimpose both charts of Putin and Ukraine we find that the Mars which is placed in the 4th house of Putin the lagna of Ukraine is place and also this Mars is the 8th lord of Putin(war and aggression). and also note that A6(enemity) lord which is Mars is also placed in the 4th house of Putin and the lagna of Ukraine is rising.
Jupiter is the present Maha dasa of Ukraine and the antar dasa of Putin is Jupiter..(See the dasa links of these two charts)
When will the war end:
Presently Saturn is transiting his own sign Capricorn and in the chart of Ukraine it is placed in the 2nd house of Maraka and also note that is transiting its Janma Tara and for Ukraine the Mitra Tara is Venus and note that Very recently the representative of Ukraine has asked the help of India and we know that Lagna of India is Taurus and Venus is the lord
For Putin Venus is his Param Mitra tara and lord Venus is the lagna of India and our Prime Minister Narendra Modi....
In a weeks time from Now the war may end that is by 6th March 2022