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Princess Diana(Marriage analysis)

In this article I will be throwing some light on the marriage of Diana.

The chart of the native is enclosed and we find that 7th house is with Saturn and the lord is in the 8th house which is bad as it may lead to break in marriage and we know that her marriage was broken in the year 1996 August 28th both the couples got seperated and during which time the dasa of Venus-Moon-Venus(as per the Utpanna tara dasa as Moon in 11th house).

First Venus is the lord of the 7th house placed in the 8th house which is a flaw in itself and this planet is conjoined with 10th lord Sun and 8th and 11th lord Mercury...From the 7th lord Venus the antardasa lord is Moon placed in the Maraka house and in the cancer sign we find that Ketu the lagna lord is placed and also note that Moon is the badhakesa for the Scorpio Lagna...Ketu is a separative planet and also from the antardasa Moon here again we find that Venus is the 2nd house lord and the 8th house. Hence from every point of view we find that Venus is badly placed or connecting to bad houses..

If we see from Moon point of view we find that Jupiter is badhakesa and is placed in the 3rd house which is Marana karaka for her and Jupiter is also the lord of the 4th house(sukha trikona).

When Saturn is placed in the 7th house it gives directional strength and also note that the planet Saturn has got the power to get the native married irrespective of her liking or not.

29th July 1981 she got married during which time she was under Mercury-Saturn-Mercury and Saturn is the lord of the UL and placed in the 12th from Mahadasha lord and also Saturn is placed in the 7th house from lagna denoting Charles was much older to her and at the time of her marriage she was just 21 Years of age.

Her death was very painful and we find that Saturn is in the 3rd from arudha lagna .The lord of Taurus where Saturn is placed is in the 8th house and her 8th house is very strong...In the SAV we find that her 7th house is having on 19 points which also gives us a clue with respect to her failed marriage..

She was born in Shukla Navami whose lord is Sun and here also we find that Sun is in the 8th house along with 7th lord Venus. Note that Sun and Venus are dire enemies...Venus is her dara karaka which is weak and in the 0 degree.

She died in the year August 31st 1997 and here we find that the dasa operating was Venus-Mars-Venus and from Mahadasha lord Venus Mars is placed in the 8th house of death in a movable sign with Rahu...and from Moon Mars is the 8th lord and Venus is the lord of her 64th Navamsa(equal to 8th lord)...In the shoola dasa the period was that of Capricorn-Scorpio(having the maraka lord Jupiter) and the Scorpio lord is Ketu placed in the sign of Cancer which is badhakesa for her lagna...Capricorn is fortifying two malefics Rahu and Mars making the period from 1989-1998 extremely painful...





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