Prasna (Will Modi win)
I have prepared the Tithi Pravesha chakra of Narendra Modi and will check whether he is destined to become the Head of the country again.
The chart is rising with Virgo and the lagnesh is Mercury being placed in the 12th house in the sign of Leo and rising Horal lagna and Ghatika lagna. Lsgnesh in the 12th house is not considered good as it will give the results of the 12th house and the karaka is Satur. Hence we need to see whether Saturn is well placed.
Here the Saturn is placed in its Moolatrkona ad it is regtrograde and this denotes that Saturn is lookig at the 5th house denoting power and authority.
Sun and Mars are in the lagna geeerating Surya Magala Yoga and or Modi Mars is the present dasa lord. Here we should also note that Mars is the 3rd ad 8th lord which is also not good hence Modi at some point of time in his tensure may take some decisions to quit politics..
The present dasa period is Jupiter as per the Tithi Pravesha chakra and from A10 iti is placed in the 7th house forming sama saptaka..The time line is May 2024 till 2024 July. Modi has to face some issues in his life as there will be misunderstandings and enemies will try there level best to bring him down
In the D9 chart we find that Moon is in the 10th house and the Moon antardasa is operating from 26.05.2024 till 04.06.2024. Hence it is for sure that he will be the PM of India for the 3rd time.
Jupiter and Moon are forming 6/8 axis which is again not good for Modi ji to continue for 5 years. In fact we have to see at what time he is taking oath as the PM of India and then a new chart will be prepared and I will post it.
In the natal chart Mars is operating as Maha dasa from 03.03.2023 till 03.03.2029 which is 6 years of time line. Mars is with Moon the antar dasa of the TPC forming again chandra Mangala yoga. and also we find that Jupiter isoperating as Antar dasa in the natal which is also the Maha dasa lord in the TPC chart.
Jupiter is retro in the chart of Modi and placed in the 5th house which is power and authority..And Rahu is the pratyantara dasa lord which is placed in the 6th house and there is a Parivartana between Jupiter and Rahu. Rahu will give the result of Jupiter and Jupiter will give the result of Rahu.
All people will be surprised with the outcome of the elections which is getting declared on 4th June 2024.