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Prashna and Afghanistan

In this article we would discuss the future of Afghanistan after US troops started leaving the country leaving them in lurch and at the mercury of Taliban.

The chart is rising in Tula lagna which is the natural 7th house and the lord of this lagna is Venus well placed in the 10th house along with Maraka lord Mars(Mars is the lord of the 2nd and the 7th house).This denotes that the present government is under crisis and will have to face lot of troubles.10th house is afflicted by the presence of weak Mars and Saturn aspect the 10th house by 7th house drishti.

The chara Atmakaraka is placed in the 9th house with Mercury placed in its own sign and also the Sun is the badhakesa for the Libra lagna...Sun the chara atmakaraka is in the sign of Punarvasu. Punarvasu is that star which repeats everything(Pattern).Jupiter the lord of the Punarvasu is with Neptune denoting that the citizens of the country will face lot of issues.

Mars being the chara Batrukaraka is weak denoting that no country is willing to help the country during the crisis period and even though if they do it will be a loss for such nations helping the country...There is no Nichabhagna for Mars.

Lagna star is Visakha whose lord is Jupiter and this placement Jupiter is placed in the 5th house of future and citizens. Jupiter is chara Gnat karaka which denotes some troubles to the citizens of the country and this Jupiter is also placed in the star of Satabishaj whose lord is Rahu and also lord of the kumbha rasi. Satabishaj lord is Rahu is placed in the 8th house of obstacles and sudden ups and downs with respect to the future of the country. 8th also representation huge transformations and here we find A5 is rising. A5 is the reflection of the 5th house(future and vision).

Rahu is chara Pitrukaraka which is placed in Rohini star whose lord is Moon. Pitruakaraka for any entity denotes the influence of the head on the country. Rahu denotes the person who is tactical in nature and is well versed with the art of fighting.. The energy of the 8th house is transferred to Venus which is placed in the 10th house of karma. Nation at large will face lots of ups and downs in the coming periods.

Moon the chara darakara is placed in the 12th house of losses which denotes that native is going to loose lot of money and here we also find that A8 is rising which is the reflection of the 8th house denoting mass killings. Moon being the dispositor of the 10th house of government and the leader himself will surely fall as 12th denotes losses for the government and the government itself may fall.

Saturn is retro in its own sign and this denotes that lot of struggles for the nation.. Saturn is chara Matrukaraka also denotes that people will not be happy with the present situations happening at their country...

Lagnesh in the 10th house denotes that India will have some interest in this country and are trying to enter into the space of the country to establish a stable government. Note that Lagna lord of India is also Venus..

Present dasa operating is Sun and we find that Sun is chara AK in the star of Punarvasu and the lord is retrograde. Hence the pattern which was there 20 years ago is repeating in the country. Remember 20 years back when USA troops took over the country Taliban groups where silent and now they have returned back creating havoc in the country.

Present dasa operating is Sun-Jupiter-Rahu. Rahu is in the 8th house of transformation...In the D9 it is in 12th house and it is Vargottama making Rahu very strong with respect to the areas associated with 8th and 12th house (death,transformatio and losses)..

Taking the Maha dasa lord as Sun we find that the 9th lord Rahu is placed in the 12th house of losses. Hence there is loss of leadership and baghya(deelopment)..

All kendra lords which are important for the well being of the nation is fotified with either malefics or under heavy affliction.

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