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Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga

Yoga is a word from sanskrit and is used when two or more planets are together in a sign. There are thousands of yoga written in astrological texts.. Most of us know some yogas which are important and these are called as PANCHA MAHA PURUSHA YOGAS

There is a story behind it.

When draupadi prayed to Lord Siva and requested for a boon. And the boon is that she should have a husband who has all the qualities of Siva himself. Lord Siva told Draupadi that it is not possible for him to give her a husband who has all his qualities but instead he said that he can give her husbands but each of her husband will get a quality of him

And we know the spouses of Draupadi and they are:

Dharma raja






Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga

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“Yoga” is a Sanskrit word


derived from the root “yuj” which means to yoke or join, and is used

in Vedic astrology to indicate coming together of two or more grahas in a certain manner. Thereare numerous, and if I may say so, literally thousands of yogas that are given in the Vedicastrology texts. All Vedic astrologers, from the beginners to the most learned know about the

“Pancha Maha Purusha” yoga

s. The yogas are based on position of five planets and the literalmeaning of

Pancha Maha Purusha yoga is “five types of yogas that occur in birth

-charts of great men”

In Vedic astrology, we find many yogas having the same name but with different planetary combinations. Pancha Maha Purusha yogas however, do not seem to suffer fromallotment of its name to any other set of planetary combination.

Let us know talk about each of these yogas






Each of the planets, causing any variation of the Pancha Mahapurusha yoga, will be generallytreated to be strong on account of occupation of both a kendra and own or exaltation rasitherefore the meaning of strength, referred to here by the sages, needs to be understood in proper perspective. Since each of the planets achieve digbala in different kendra as are they bereft of itin others, it stands to reason that a planet conferring a Pancha Maha Purusha yoga, will not havesame amount of strength while posited in any of the 4 kendras that it can occupy. Again we findthat the planets involved have ownership of one male and one female rasi and they arethemselves either male, female or eunuch. We also know that though shubha planets give greatershubha results when they attain strength, not all ashubha or papa planets have elevatedmalfeasance as a result of gaining strength. Saturn is said to give least malefic results, when he isendowed with strength and greater malefic results when bereft of strength.

The chart is rising with Gemini lagna and the lagna lord is with Mercury exalted and with the 3rd lord Sun creating Dhimantha yog and Mercury exalted denotes Bhadra Maha Purusha yoga where the native is well versed with scripture he is also a famous Jyotish spreading the awarness relating to Jyotish studies

Laagna lord Mercury with Sun in the 4th house denotes that native is all well versed in Yoga as we find that the lagna is related to health and native is fully skilled in this art(Yoga)

The natural age of Mercury is 21 and 34 hence the naitve started growing beard at this age and also started the school related to Yoga and Jyotish and is considered the best in the world

Bhadra Maha Purusha yoga occurs in the dual sign of Gemini and Virgo and these house are the houses of growth and Mercury is a child who wants to learn and develop skills. Mercury is the significator of friends and relatives



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