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NavaTara Chakra Series-2

In continuation to my earlier article here I would go further into explaining the NavaTara chakra and how it can be used.

Nava means 9 and Tara means Stars. Janmna Navatara chakra is used to understand how our mind reacts to the circumstances we face and the Lagna NavaTara chakra is used to understand how our body and intelligence reacts to the circumstances we face.

Which Navatara chakra is used is very important to understand the right results and the outcome of the dasa periods. If there many planets in Kendra to Moon then use Janma Navatara chakra otherwise use Lagna NavaTara chakra.

Let us now understand each of these NavaTara chakra:

Janma:Means our birth and everything related to birth our well being

Sampath:Means wealth,Benefit,Enjoy,grow,prosper and fortunate

Vipat:Means misfortune and calamity. it indicates all kinds of troubles the native faces

Kshema:Means Comfortable,being easy,Restoring

Pratyari:Means an enemy,well matched enemy,capable inflicting pain

Sadhaka:Means Abilities,Accomplishments,productive

Vadha:Means Slaying,Vanquishing,Destroyer,Killer

Mitra:Means Friend or companions like your own spouse or friends who are close to you

Ati Mitra:Means who is beyond your friend ship or companions and it also denotes that which is very close to your heart.

To know how to prepare the Natural Navatara chakra you can refer to this article:

There are various lordships given to the Vimshottari dasa and usually the natural Navatara chakra is reckoned from Ashwini and ending at Jyeshta.

In order to know what is a native NavaTara chakra we need to take the Moon sign and the Nakshatra associated with the Moon and then take the star of the Moon into account and prepare the NavaTara chakra. Below I am giving an table of a native whose Moon is placed in Mithuna rasi in the star of Mrigasira.Lord of Mrigasira is Mars hence the starting point of this scheme is Mars.

Tara (Moon) Meaning Lord Nakshatra 1 Nakshatra 2 Nakshatra 3

Janma Birth Mars Mrig Chit Dhan

Sampat Wealth Rahu Ardr Swat Sata

Vipat Danger Jupiter Puna Visa PBha

Kshema Well-being Saturn Push Anu UBha

Pratyak Obstacles Mercury Asre Jye Reva

Saadhana Achievement Ketu Magh Mool Aswi

Naidhana Death Venus PPha PSha Bhar

Mitra Friend Sun UPha USha Krit

Parama Mitra Good friend Moon Hast Srav Rohi

Navatara Relationships:


Native born in the Janma star of 1,10,19 of a parent or sibling will prove fatal for the parent and sibling

For example let us suppose that if a native birth is in the Mrigasira star(leave the pada's) and if one of the child birth star is also connected to Mrigasira then the father or the child will get into troubles once he or she moves away from each other. It can be either the child staying away from the parent or the parent staying away from the father. In this case a suitable remedial measure is utmost important(Eka Nakshtra dosha Nivarana)


Native born in the star of 2,11,20 corresponding to the star of the parents or sibling then such native birth will bring about prosperity.


Native born in the star of 3,12,21 corresponding to the star of the parents or sibling then such native birth will bring about strife and the family lacks peace of mind


Native born in the star of 4,13,22 corresponding to the star of the parents or sibling then such native birth will bring about prosperity,well being and affection but the native will feel lonely.


Native born in the star of 5.14,23 corresponding to the star of the parents or sibling then such birth will have effects on the family like lack of peace and the native can become inimical to the father or sibling


Native born in the star of 6,15,24 corresponding to the star of the parents or sibling then such birth of the native will bring about accomplishments in his life and he will be great achiever


Native born in the star of 7,16,25 corresponding to the star of the parents or sibling will end up having terrible addiction and can go the extent of stealing from parents or siblings.


Native born in the star of 8,17,26 will ensure that the child is dutiful towards his parents or siblings.


Native born in the star of 9,18,27 will ensure that he will bring about name and fame to his family and also indicates blessings of the god upon the native and family.


Here I will be enclosing some examples of the Gandhi family to understand the concept.The same can be applied to your own charts and also with that of your family charts to understand the closeness or bitterness of the family members and take appropriate remedial measures.

Name Birth star Corresponding No

Nehru Aslesa 9

Motital Nehru U.Bhadra 26

Indira U.Asadha 21

Feroze Gandhi Aslesa 9

Rajiv P.Phalguni 11

Sonia Ardra 6

Rahul Jyestha 18

Sanjay Magha 10

Menaka Revati 27

Let us see what relationship does the father of Nehru carry with him. We need to count from the U.Bhadra to Aslesa and we get 11 stars.Reducing the 11 to 1 digit we get (1+1=2) we find that Nehru is very fortunate to his father Motilal Nehru

Let us see the same with respect to Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi. Counting from Ardra to Jyestha we get 13(1+3=4) hence for Sonia Rahul is Kshema and when we count from Jyestha to Ardra we get 16(1+6=7) we get Vadha tara which denotes that Rahul is Vadha to Sonia....

Transit also play a very important role and this we can understand this by taking an example:

The below table is the NavaTara chakra of the girl of a native who is working in a MNC.

Tara (Moon) Meaning Lord Nakshatra 1 Nakshatra 2 Nakshatra 3

Janma Birth Saturn Anu UBha Push

Sampat Wealth Mercury Jye Reva Asre

Vipat Danger Ketu Mool Aswi Magh

Kshema Well-being Venus PSha Bhar PPha

Pratyak Obstacles Sun USha Krit UPha

Saadhana Achievement Moon Srav Rohi Hast

Naidhana Death Mars Dhan Mrig Chit

Mitra Friend Rahu Sata Ardr Swat

Parama Mitra Good friend Jupiter PBha Puna Visa

The present dasa operating for the child is Mercury Mahadasha and Saturn Antardasha. Mercury is in Samath tara and Saturn is in Janma Tara.

With present transits we find that Mercury is transiting Punarvasu which is her natal Param Mitra Tara and Saturn is transiting P.Asadha which is her Kshema tara...The transits of the dasa lord are transiting good taras hence the outcome will be good..

Finally the Pratyantar dasa lord is Sun transiting Mitra tara but transiting the 8th house over her natal A10,A5 which can Jeopardize her career as 8th is not good as it brings about mental turmoil for the native being in the 8th from the Moon sign.Native in fact is contemplating of leaving the job due to severe work stress at her work place. Note that Sun is 4th house lord(Sukha Trikona) getting debilitated in Libra sign which is the 6th house from her natal lagna.

to be continued




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