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Murder of Travis Alexander

Travis Victor Alexander was an American salesman who was murdered by his ex-girlfriend, Jodi Ann Arias, in his house in Mesa, Arizona. Arias was convicted of first-degree murder on May 8, 2013, and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole on April 13, 2015

Let us see the chart of Jodi Ann( ).

In the chart we see that Aries is rising which is the sign of war and aggression.Lagnesh is placed in the 6th house.6th is the sign of enmity and shad ripus. 6 Sharps are considered as 6 wises which control the human being these are 1)Kama 2)Krodha 3)Lobha 4)Madha 5)Mastarya 6)Moha.Mars comes under the category of Krodha and being placed in the 6th house is good as native has the capacity to overcome his or her enemies and also will have enemies , but here we should also note that he is also the lord of the 8th house which is the house of Nija Dosha(past life karma). Kanya rasi in which the planet is placed is the sign of commercial activity and also it is the sign of businessman. Travis was a businessman and Mars is also the planet of sales.

For the lagna Aries the 11th house will become badhaka and badhakesa is Rahu placed in the 4th house and this is not a good placement. 4th house is considered as house of heart where Vishnu resides. The placement of Rahu in the 4th house gives us a clue as to what sort childhood the native would have had as 4th is also the house of mother and childhood. Jodi's father once in his testimony stated that Jodi when she was 16 years would never listen to them and wanted to live alone as she felt that her parents snooped on her.

Lagna is in bharani star whose lord is Venus. Lagna in the war sign and connected to Venus whose devata is Yama and Venus and Moon conjoined in the 2nd house the house of sustenance but also note that Venus is the Primary maraka for the Aries lagna as he is also the lord of the 7th house. Venus is the dire enemy of Moon but where Moon is neutral to Venus. Venus is controlling Moon here as per the Varachakra(Take any weekday and count 6 days from it and the day which is the 6th is considered as a enemy) The days are as follows are per vara chakra (Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday.Rahu/Ketu) For example let us take Sunday and if we count 6 days from it we get Friday who is lorded by Venus hence Sun is under the control of Venus.This is called as Sthambana. In the same way if we count from Friday and see the 6th day we get Monday whose lord is Moon which means that Moon is under the control of Venus(sthambana).Sthambana means static and which does not move and it is fixed(Freezing) and this can be cured only through Mantras or Poojas..Moon is her Chara Pitrukaraka and Moon is her natural lord of the 4th house(Matrukaraka) and both her planets are placed in the 11th house from 4th house and has become her badhakesa(obstacle creating planets). Her 5th house is with Saturn(placed in enemy sign) along with Jupiter which is lord of the 9th and 12th house..Jupiter is well placed and being with Saturn is considered as Brahma Yoga but this yoga is destroyed by the presence of two malefics Rahu in cancer and Mars in Virgo.

Leo is the sign of intelligence and power and being sandwiched between two malefics denotes that native will loose her intelligence.Saturn is her chara atmakaraka and any planets in the 6th and 12th from Atmakaraka denotes that AK will treat such planets as its enemies...Rahu in 12th house and it is the natural badhakesa lord and also Rahu denotes friends(11th house lord)..Ketu is also placed in the 6th house and it is lord of the A11(Friends again). Saturn AK is placed in the 4th house in the Navamsa which again gives us a clue about her bad childhood.

Arudha lagna is placed in the sign of Kumbha whose lord is Saturn and Rahu and her Saturn aspects the AL by 7th house drishti which does not give a clean image of the native.. and also we find that her lagnesh Mars is also badly placed in the 8th from arudha lagna..AL8 is the house of sustenance and how healthy the native is seen from here as the karaka for the 8th house is Saturn.8th house is the house of transformation and depending on whether good or planets are here we know how the transformation occurs where negatively or positively..Mars is a negative planet..

Alexander her ex-boy friend was killed on June 4 2008 by Jodi and the dasa operating at that time was Rahu-Moon-Saturn.She was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment on April 13 2015. The time period was of Jupiter-Mercury-Ketu. Note here that none of her Kendra is having benefic planets. Lagna is in Aries,4th is having Rahu,10th is having Ketu and the most benefic planet Jupiter is hemmed between two malefic giving no way to come out of the situation she was in. Jupiter is the natural karaka for intelligence.



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