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In this article we will disucss about the Varesa lord being Mondy and checking its placements and the outcome

Strong Moon

Many friends

Has a pleasing body

Will be famous

Will enjoy luxuries and imense wealth

Weak Moon

Eat others food

Devoid of dharma

Native will face various obstacles in life

The devata associated with Moon is Mahadeva and the mantra for the bad placement of Moon is OM MAHADEVAYA NAMAH

Let us take an example as to when a native is born on Monday and if it is well placed in the chart

In this chart we find that the native was born on Monday and it is placed in the sign of Capricorn and also the native lagna is Cancer making her famous.

Native was the ex-Prime Minister of India and being the PM of India she had lots of friends and she was very pleasing and beautiful and also she enjyoyed lot of wealth and luxuries.

In her chart we find that there is a echange of planets ie Saturn is in the sign of Cancer and Moon in the sign of Capricorn and here Saturn is chart Atmakaraka and note that when AK is connected to lagna native will rise to power

From the weekday Moon we find that Rahu and Venus are placed in the 12th house denoting that native will loose her Spouse(Venus) and also childrenRahu) as there is a parivartana between Venus and Jupiter also.

Here Saturn is also aspecting the weeday lord Moon which is also not good but she was called as the IRON LADY and a tought nut to crack.

She was assassinated during the combined period of Saturn-Mars and here Saturn is the lord of the 7th lord(Maraca) and also Mars is badly placed in the 8th house(death) from Moon.

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