Mohammed Youns-Interim PM of Bangladesh
Updated: Aug 11, 2024
Mohammed Younus was born in 1940 and he is a noble literate and presently after Mrs.Hasina left the country due to bad situation and student protest Mohammed Younus has become the interim Prime Minister of Bangladesh.
The chart is rising with Meena lagna and here we find that Rahu is placed in the lagna. Rahu is the planet of uncertainity and also he is the lord of the 12th house. Hence all the energy of Rau has been transfered to Lagna. Usually the sign Pisces is a good sign as it is the sign of Visnu but Rahu is interfeering in the affairs of tihis sign. Rahu is about dividing people and working its way out.
Rahu in the lagna also denotes that some western countries are involved in the toppling of the existing government and also creation of this new government.
Note that Mohammed Yonus was feliciated by Barrack Obama for noble peace award.
Lagnesh is Jupiter and placed in the 3rd house of agression and also note that Taurus is the sign of rising lagna of India. Hence here we find that Bangladesh will try to provike India into getting into war like situation. When Jupiter is placed in the 3rd house it is akin to Marana kaaka bhava which means it will destroy the houses its own which is lagna and 10th house.
Jupiter along with Mars in the 3rd house is like MKS for Jupiter hence when it is with 2nd and 9th lord Mars Jupiter will not allow the planet Mars to survive which is sustenance and government and luck associated with its economy.
The soul significator of the newly formed government is Saturn and here we find that it is paced in the 12th house of losses in its moolatrikona bhava which is aquarius(Kumbha) and Saturn is aspecting the 2nd house with its 3rd house dristi and its 6th house the house of enemies and diseases and resources and 9th house with its 10th house aspect...
Jupiter has become Bhratrukaraka and it is placed in the sign of Taurus which is the lagna of India hence Bangladesh will ask India for help due to its economic crsis.
As per the Navatara chakra Jupiter and Mars are in Pratyak and Vipat tara while Lagna is in Janma tara and Mercury is in Naidhana tara
Jupiter in the 3rd house denotes death like situation and Jupiter is all about Jeeva(libing beings) and in the sign of Taurus(Vrisabha) hence women will be the target and also the religion(Hindu)
Another planet which is in MKS is Venus hence he will also try to destroy the 3rd and 8th house here the 3rd is again the lagna of India and Bangladesh will try to provoke India to bring about unstability in our country.
Right now the new government is under Kanya Maha Narayana dasa where we find that Ketu-Moon is already placed and Ketu is lord of the 9th house and Moon is the lord of the 5th house. 9th denotes the leader and 5th denotes citizens. Ketu-Moon combination is considered as chandra grahana and citizens of Bangladesh will loose their heads and minds and acts fanatically.
The dasa is from 08.08.2024 till 09.08.2025..In the Navamsa chakra we find that Dhanus rasi is rising and the lagnesh is in the 8th hoiuse which is not good at all as 8th is all about death,secrecy and transformation.
Present dasa is that of Sun and it is aspected by malefic planet Rahu and it is also placed i the sig of cancer and in the 12th from Venus. Venus will reject any planet when placed i the 12th from Venus.
Very recently we heard that the Hidus of the Bangladesh started reciting the name of Jay sri Ram and this is because we find that Sun is placed in the 5th house and 5th house in a country chart is connected to citizens...
Hence Bangladesh is in troubles in the coming times
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah...