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Modi Swearing in Chart

Yesterday ie 30.05.2019 Shri Narendra Modi has sworn in as the Prime Minister of India for the second term and the time chosen was 19:06 PM and the place is New Delhi. Before going into the analysis I would like to state that this is not the chart of Modi as it is considered by most astrologers but a chart of the entire nation as PM is heading this country for the next 5 years 2019-2024

Before getting into the analysis of the swearing in charts I would like to Pin Point the Bhavas and their matter signified in the chart.

1st Bhava=General affairs of the country, Public health, Cabinet condition and the policy of the government

2nd Bhava=Revenue,Collections,Finances and store wealth

3rd Bhava=Communications,Media,Neighbouring nations

4th Bhava=Education, Land and real estates,General happiness and internal trade

5th Bhava=Population,Birth rate,Attitude of the rulers,Crime and Punishment

6th Bhava=Loans,Advances,Debts,Diseases

7th Bhava=Womanhood and their health,war and external affairs

8th Bhava=Death

9th Bhava=Religious institutions,Judiciary

10th Bhava=The ruler or the head of the country

11th Bhava=Gains and incomes from the world trade

12th Bhava=Crime,Secret Service,Hospitals,war and sources of losses

Panchanga at the time of swearing:

As per the Panchanga we find that:

Hora lord=Saturn

Nakshatra=Revati(Mercury is the lord)


Tithi=Krishna Dwadasi(Mercury)

The day being Thursday and Jupiter being the akash tattwa graha and binds all other grahas is placed in the sign of Vrischika. The chart is rising with Vrischika lagna(fixed sign) and Jupiter is the lord of the 2nd house(resources) and lord of the 5th house(Power and authority).This Jupiter is retro in a fixed sign and this denotes that the present government will give a good governance and ensuring that people of the nation(5th house) are happy and 5th house also denotes the attitude of the rulers and Jupiter is a good planet ensuring a good attitude of the ruler ensuring that the country forges ahead. Jupiter retro also denotes a hard work by the present PM and putting an extra work.

Revati(Mercury) is the Nakshatra rising and conjoined Sun in the 7th house from the Natal swearing chart. 7th is the sign of womanhood in the chart and their health and war and external affairs. 7th house is the sign opposite to the lagna and also being a kendra plays a important role in the chart. Sun is not a malefic sign but a Kroora graha and being placed in the 7th house with the 10th lord Sun denotes that the government shall be adamant in the external affairs This is a Nipuna yoga(Mercury+Sun) and I am of the opinion that the ruler(10th house) may take some appropriate measures in the best interest of the country.

Note:Mercury is in the 7th house in Marana Karaka sthana and it tends to destroy the 8th house and 11th house it owns. Hence it will give a mixed results in its periods.

Also Mercury denotes younger persons and Sun denotes administration hence the cabinet will consists of those who have good administrative abilities.

7th lord in the 6th house and that too in Marana karaka sthana denotes that women would sacrifice their careers to pave way to new blood...

Tithi lord is again Mercury placed in the sign of Venus and Mercury tithi well placed in the Jala tattwa rasi gives us a picture about the country having good relationships with other countries and regions.

Saturn is the hora lord and it owns the 3rd house(Neighbours and Communications) and being placed in the 2nd house with lagna lord Ketu is a kind of Pisacha badha does not give a good picture with respect to our relations with our neighbours.2nd house is the Maraka house for the nation.2nd also denotes the wealth of the native and Saturn being the opposite planet compared to Jupiter(natural karaka for money) when placed in the 2nd house will bring in Crunch in the finances of the nation.

4th lord in the 8th house is not good as it may create some disturbance at the home front as Rahu being the lord of the 4th house and conjoining the lord of the 6th house Mars.This is not a good conjunction as Rahu and Mars are the planets of aggression and deceit.

Lagna of the swearing chart and the lagna of the Navamsa are placed in the same sign Vrischika which denotes that the government will complete its full terms with some ups and downs and some disturbing factors emerging as Lagnesh of rasi chakra Mars is badly placed.

There is no good planets in Kendra and Trikonas and no malefics in Upachaya.Jupiter being placed in the lagna is a saving grace for the entire chart as it is aspecting 5th house,7th house and 9th house by graha drishti...

Saturn in the 12th from arudha lagna is good as there will lot of spiritual rise in the country.Venus being the 10th lord of the rasi chakra from arudha lagna is nicely placed in the 4th house of creation from arudha lagna. Venus is a planet of creation.Venus is a rajasic graha hence markets plays a important role in creating a new jobs in the country(10th lord Venus).

Overall the chart is neither good nor bad but the government will continue till the year 2024 completing its full term.

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