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Modi 3.0

In this article we will discuss about swearing in chart of Modi for the year 2024 for a period of 5 years..This is the 3rd time that Modi has become the PM of India

In this chart we find that the chart is rising with Vrischika lagna with no planet placed in the chart and when compared to the earlier chart of 2019-2024 we find that the same lagna was rising but Jupiter is placed in the lagna. Here during the previous 5 years the slogan was SAAB KA SATH SAAB KA VIKAS. Jupiter is the planet of moral values and it is a akash tattwa graha (it works as a glue) hence the concept of the earlier Modi government was to help all the citizens of the country(inclusive)

Now the same lagna is rising but here we find that there is no Jupiter but rather we find that the two lagna lords Ketu and Mars are well placed in the chart. One planet Mars has gone to the 6th house of enemity and another lord Ketu has gone to the 11th house which is fulfilment of desires.

Hence this time Modi will be very strong and ferocious in nature as his swearing chart lord Mars which is an agni tattwa grahas is going to the 6th house the house of enemy which means that there be another surgical strike against our enemies and here Mars is placed in the sign of Mars and the lagna rising in the chart of Pakistan is Mesha(Aries) hence the enemy will be taken for task during the next 5 years.

The planet Saturn even though well placed in the chart in his own Moolatrikona sign Aquarius in the 4th house is good but he is a malefic for the chart hence the decisions taken by the government will effect the citizens at large. Saturn is all about pain...

4th lord Rahu has gone to 5th house denoting that citizens will face health issue as 5th is the house of citizens in the chart of a country...The dispositor Jupiter of the 5th house gone to the 7th house which is called as Maraka house is not good for the well being of the citizens..

Venus is the chara atmakaraka is well placed in its own sign the house of Taurus hence the government will be more active with respect to bringing other countries close to the country and in the 7th house we also find more planets where the chara atma karaka Venus and the 5th lord Jupiter is coming together creating a Raja Yoga where the country will get good name and more countries will come forward to partner with India. Note that 7th is all about partner and business.

The present dasa is that of Jupiter till the year 2025 January and after that Saturn will start operating and here Saturn is the lord of the 3rd house placed in the 4th house of happiness and country. There will be a agression among the citizens of India and here Saturn is chara Bhratrukaraka denoting countries like USA will become our well wisher but still it has to be taken in a lighter manner.

Saturn aspects the 3rd,7th and 10th from itself and when Saturn is aspecting Mars then during the dasa period of Saturn-Mars unmada yoga will get activated and during this period we will see that some sort of war like situation will occur in the country or some civil wars will ignite.

In the Narayana dasa Taurus is operating where we find that Jupiter,Sun,Venus,Mercury are placed and here Venus is more strong compared to all other planets...All these planets are transiting the natal lagna of India which is Taurus... This is the best time for India and new opportunities and money and business will flow in the country.

In the Navamsa chakra Jupiter the present dasa is will placed in the Pisces Navamsa lagna whcih is good for the well being of the country and later Saturn is with Mars in the 3rd house of agression and war.

Moon is the planet of masses and this planet is placed in the same sign in the rasi ad Navamsa chakra denoting that Moon is powerful and masses are the people who are the actual rulers of the country and there are blessing of Shakthi on the country.

Jupiter is the planet of Justice but here it being in the 7th house some decisios taken by the courts will not gel well with the citizens of the country.

Some states 0f the country like Punjab will see a bad phase as from Saggitarius we find that Rahu is placed in the 4th house and there will be loss of happiness in this state...Rahu also denotes radicalization which is a big problem for the state and the country.

11th house from arudha lagna denotes the resources which help the country will relating to gains and here we find Moon is well placed and Moon denotes water and oversease and also the citizens of the people...Hnece money will come from overseas and investment by other countries in India will help India to survive..

Rahu,Mars is also aspeting the sign cancer by graha dristi...Rahu is all about foreign countries and their will to invest in our coutry.

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