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Makara/Capricorn Narayana dasa

This is the article based on the dasa trends of Pakistan from August 2021 till August 2027. The dasa operating is that of Capriorn(Makara) Narayana dasa in the chart of Pakistan hence we can say that Visnu is reciding in this rasi and ensuring that the cirumstances are being faced by the coountry(Pakistan)

The chart is rising with Mesha(Aries) rasi and the Makara(Capricorn) is the natural 10th house of the rasi chart and also it is the 10th house of the Pakistani kundali.

The lord of the Makara rasi is Saturn hence Saturn becomes the king of this rasi and we need to see where it is placed in the chart and in the chart of Pakistan we find that is in the sign of Cancer the natual 4th house of happiness

The arudha lagna of the Pakistan is in the sign of Leo and we should note that benefics cannot be placed in the 12th from arudha lagna and only malefics are allowed as 12th is house of destruction..

Planets which are dealing with business or society who consumes these produts cannot be placed in the 12th house from arudha lagna. Here Venus,Moon and Mercury cannot be in the 12th house as they tend to destroy the business of the native or country.

Venus is the market,Moon is the consumer and Mercury is the business-men. Here all these three planets are placed in the 12th house from the arudha lagna and we know what is the situation of the Pakistan where business is closed,no products are being produced, business men are facing losses and closing down their business.

By taking the sign Makara as the starting sign of temporary lagna for the purpose of understanding the outcome of the dasa we find that most of the planets are placed in the 7th house the maraka rasi and also the badhakesa Mars and ketu for this sign Makaraka is placed in the 6th(enemies and diseases) and Ketu in the badhaka sign Scorpio(Vrischika). Here ketu is the lord of the 11th house in its own sign which is strong denoting that some how the country is surviving inspite of lot of issues they are facing.

Now the antar dasa is that of Saggitarius(Dhanus) from natal lagna Aries and 12th house from Arambha rasi Makara...JUpiter is the lord of the 12th house and placed in the 10th house denoting that most of the expenses are done by the people in power..

Capricorn has A8(bad debts) and death like situation along with A7(Partners) to the country Pakistan...Planets or signs in the 7th house from Hora lagna will ensure that the country makes some money..and this dasa period was operating from 2021 August till 2022 Feb...But still it being a maraka house the country faced some attcaks. I have picked up some data from Wikipedia

The years of Maha dasa periods from the 2021-2027 is very critical for the Pakistan as there is every possiblity that it will end up in a war like situation with India as the next dasa will be that of Mars and it is the lagna lord in the 3rd house of Gemini.

This can happen when Mars dasa operates in the year 2025 around May...Mars is the GK and it is in the star of Swati and Rahu being the lord of this star and placed in the lagna of India. So always pakistan has got an evil eye on India and uses various tricks to push India into troubles and also create war like situation.

Om Vyam Vyasa Devya Namah



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