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Longevity calculation

Updated: Sep 5, 2024

In this article I am going to discuss about how to arrive at longevity based on principle of Jyotish

There are three principles derived

1)Method of three pairs

2)8th lord placement

3)Method of three lords

First let us take a look at method of three pairs

1)The sign occupied by the lagna lord and 8th lord(here we have to take a look at Vridhi karaka method)

Below is the table relating to Vridhi karaka:












2)Lagna and Hora lagna(HL)

3)Satur and Moon

The next pair is that of 8th lord placement

Determie the stronger between the 9th house lords and the lagna iand its 7th house that means we hae to see the 2nd and 8th houses. The stroger lord of these two houses becomes RUDRA. If the Rudra is placed in 1,4,7,10 the the life is 72-108 and if it is in 2,5,8,11 then it is 36-72 and if it in 3,6,9,12 then it is short 0-36

Similary we have to see the 8th lord from Atmakaraka and the apply the same rule as shows above

The last method is that of method of three lords:

In this we have to see the lagna lord,8th lord and 10th lord and their placements

If the three lords are strong then it is long life and if two are strong then it is middle otherwise short life

Now let us take an example and see the rule applied to the chart

Method of three pairs:

I am using the chart of my friend who has passed away recently in the year 2023

In this chart"

Lagna lord and 8th house lord(Vrishi karaka method is used) we find that his lagnesh is placed in the dual sign and as per the 8th lord placement aos it is in dual sign hence the longevity is middle whichis 36-72

8th lord placement:In this chart the 2nd house is cancer and 8th house is Capricorn and the lords are Moon and Saturn and here Moon is more stronger as it is in 5th house so middle life which is again 36-72

The final method is method of three kords

Lagna lord is Saturn placed in 12th house

8th lord is again saturn placed inn 12th house

10th lord is Jupiter placed in 7th house

Here Jupiter being in kendra to his lagna we take the short life which is 0-36

Among the all the three pairs we find that 36-72 is dominating hence as per the first method we say native life is of middle life

Further more as we have considered the longevity compartment which is 36-72 years we need to further nail it down to check for the exact death time and here we have to consider the 8th lord from the lagna and in this case we find that the 8th lord which is Saturn is in 12th house from the lagna hence the longevity comes down to 36-63 years

From the lagna we should count the 36 years of the native and take the sign coming to 63 year hence the first 4 sign from lagna are Mithuna,Karkata,Kanya and Tula which is 9*4=36

Hence takin the Libra as the starting sign for longevity calcualtion we shold now calculate the actual age of death

For this we have to take Moola dasa

More malefics in a sign can kill the native

A single malefic sign can also kill the native

Malefic aspects are more lethan and Jupiter can help

Sign occupied by the rudra and its trines are letahal

Sign occupied by Maheswara is also lethal

Sign occupied by Moon or Venus or Mars can be lethal

And as per the Vimshottari dasa

Lords of the 2nd and 7th or planets conjoining or aspecting them

The lords of the 8th,10th or lagna if weak can kill the native

Lords of the 3rd and 5th can also kill provided the maraka grahas instigate them by conjunction

Planets in the 2nd and 7th houses or aspecting these house will become primaru maraca while the lords o the 3rd and 8th house can become secondary karaka

Planets withSaturn can klll the native or the dispositor of the Saturn can kill the native

Lords of the 6th and 11th can kill native provided the lagna lord is weak

Venus is the chara Atmakaraka in Taurus which is aspecting the Libra sign by rasi dristi it will not kill hence the natie till the age of 36 years

Jupiter is in the sign of Saggitarius and is aspecting Pisces,Gemini and Virgo by rasi dristi hence it will not kill

The only signs left are Libra,Scorpio,Capricorn,Aquarius,Aries

Here Scorpio is the darkest sign and also natural 8th house and it is aspected by Mars and Satum along with Ketu and Rahu while Sun aspects it by graha dristi

The dasaperiod where the native lost his life was that of Ketu and Rahu

In the shoola dasa period it was Taurus and Capricorn and planets in these signs where aspecting Scorpio by rasi and graha dristi making it malefic

36 years comes to Virgo

45 years comes to Libra

54 years comes to Scorpio

hence the time line connected to age for the native is from 46-54 years and native passed away at the age of 51 which is Madhya ayush.




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