Kalpadruma Yoga
Kalpadruma yoga is established in the following cases:
1)Lagna lord 2)Paka Lagna.Dispositor(Lord of the lagna) 3)Paka Pakesha 4)Paka Amsesha(Dispositor of 3) and its placement in Navamsa)
If all these lords are placed in the state of Trines or Kendras then these placements of the above planets confirms the KDY.
For example:In the chart of mahatma gandhi
Lagna lord of the rasi chakra is Venus placed in Kendra and again the dispositor of the Lagnesh is Venus himself again placed in the Kendra and again the Dispositor of Lagna Lagnesh is again Venus and finally Venus is placed in the 7th house of Navamsa which is Kendra.
Venus is placed in the lagna in rasi chakra which is considered as Malavya Mahapurusha yoga
Definition of Malavya Mahapurusha Yoga:The Malavya Yoga is formed when the planet Venus is located in its own sign, i.e. ... The creation of the Malavya Yoga in the horoscope may help the resident with a gorgeous and caring wife, good result in trade, a life full of comforts and well-famed on the national and International stage.
Person having this yoga is blessed with everything he requires on this earth.What ever he wishes native gets.
Parijatha is a tree which is there in the heaven and is controlled by Indra who is the king of all the devas
Role of each planet:
Lagna lord:Ability to plan everything Paka lagna lord:Health of the individual,Sustenance Paka Pakesha lord:Wealth. Paka Amsesha:Bhagya(Baghya by Birth)
Finally see the placement of Baghya lord in the rasi chart to understand how Baghya is reaped in this birth time
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah|||
