Job Prospects
In this article I would discuss about Job prospects and dasa's which can help native procure the job
For the job we have to see the 10th house, lord of the 10th house and also the planets in the 10th house and planets aspecting the 10th house by dristi.
We have to also see the Amatyakaraka and also the A5 and A10 arudhas and also the 8th from the 10th as it would be 5th from natal lagna.
In the KP system we have to 2nd,6th,10th and 11th house for job prospects. 2nd is resources,6th is service,10th is the profession or karma and 11th is the desire.
A native got a job in the year 2016 in the month of October. Let us see what dasa where operating during the time when the native got the job. Let us use the Vedic Jyotish.
The dasa where that of Mercury-Venus-Jupiter.
Mercury is the lord of the 2nd and 5th
Venus is the lord of the lagna and 6th
Jupiter is placed in the 7th house but from the 10th house it is in 10th..(10th house of the native is Kumbha rasi) Bhavat Bhavam principle.
In the chart of the native following are the placements:
Mercury the Maha dasa lord is placed in the 5th house which is the house of change
Venus is placed in the 6th house of service. Here as per the chart Venus is chara amatyakaraka placed in the the 6th house of service(private job) along with 10th lord Rahu(MNC)
Jupiter is placed in the 7th house(Jupiter is in the 10th from the natal 10th house)
In the D-9 chart we find that Jupiter is placed in the 10th bhava. Note that planets in the 10th of D9 will surely get the job for the native
In the D-10 chart:
Venus is 2nd house lord placed in 3rd house of Upachaya
Jupiter is the lord of the 9th lord placed in the 11th house of upachaya and desires
Mercury is the lord of the 3rd and 6th house placed in 9th house of baghya and A6 is rising over here..
In the KP system we find the following
For getting a job we have to see the sub lord of the 10th bhava
10th Cuspal sub lord is Saturn denoting service as Saturn is the service oriented planet and further we find that Saturn star lord is Jupiter and in the earlier Vedic system we found that Jupiter was the antar dasa lord.
Jupiter controls Sub lord is Venus and star lord is Mercury and the planet Jupiter signifies 5,7,2,8,11...
Now let us see what dasa are operating in the KP system as there is a difference of Ayanamsa hence the sub lord changes very fast.
As per the KP system the dasa operating where Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Rahu/Jupiter as Sookshma planets and Moon as Prana lord
Mercury sub lord is Venus and star lord is Moon and Mercury signifies 7,5,3,4,2
Jupiter Sub lord is Venus and star lord is Mercury and Jupiter signifies 5,7,2,8,11
Venus sub lord is Ketu and star lord is Jupiter and Venus signifies 6,7,1,8,11
Rahu sub lord is Ketu and star lord is Mars and Rahu signifies 6,5,7,12
Jupiter we have already seen
Moon sub lord is Moon itself and star lord is Saturn and Moon signifies 10,7,9,3,4
So her the Maha dasa, Bukhti, antara, shookshma and Prana all are connecting either 2nd house,6th house,10th or 11th house hence the combined periods has given job to the native and native is still continuing the job and this we have to see from the present dasa periods operating
Ketu as Maha dasa and here Ketu sub lord is Venus and star lord is placed in its own star and Ketu signifies 11th house
Venus the Bukhthi lord and Venus sub lord is Ketu and star lord is Jupiter and Venus signifies 6,7,1,8,11
Jupiter is the antar dasa and Jupiter Sub lord is Venus and star lord is Mercury and Jupiter signifies 5,7,2,8,11