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Future of Revanth reddy (Present CM of telangana)

Revath reddy became the CM of telagaa on Dec 7 2023 and the Panchanga at the time of his swearing in is as follows:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Jagannatha Hora\data\Revant reddy CM of telengana

Natal Chart

Date: December 7, 2023

Time: 13:21:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 78 E 28' 00", 17 N 23' 00"

Hyderabad, India

Altitude: 0.00 meters

Lunar Yr-Mo: Shobhana - Karthika

Tithi: Krishna Dasami (Mo) (60.83% left)

Vedic Weekday: Thursday (Ju)

Nakshatra: Hastha (Mo) (74.04% left)

Yoga: Ayushman (Ke) (43.34% left)

Karana: Vanija (Ve) (21.66% left)

Hora Lord: Saturn (5 min sign: Li)

Mahakala Hora: Jupiter (5 min sign: Pi)

Kaala Lord: Moon (Mahakala: Moon)

Sunrise: 6:37:11

Sunset: 17:37:30

Janma Ghatis: 16.8260

Ayanamsa: 24-10-31.40

Sidereal Time: 18:08:12

Panchanga consists of 5 important areas which needs to be studied without which Jyotish is incomplete.

Vara-Weekday Nakshatra-Star or constellation Yoga-Union of Planets Karana-Half of tithi which is a earth element and Tithi-Very important to check relationships

Here at the time of Ceremony we find that:

Vara-Thursday and the lord being Jupiter has to been seen to check how much of energy is there for the native to fulfil his duties and promises made. And here in the chart Jupiter is in the 2nd house of finances and retrograde denoting that money is a major issue which the native is going to face in his tenure and this Jupiter is also the lord of the lagna and 10th house and being in 2nd house is forming a RAJA YOGA. The placement of Jupiter in the 2nd house of Aries is like a battle field and the native has to fight for survival. 2nd lord being Mars is well placed in vrischika rasi which is his own house hence it is very strong by its placement.

Tithi is that of Krishna dasami and with 9th lord Ketu in the 7th house which is Kanya rasi forming a grahana(Ketu+Moon=Grahana) . For all dual sign rising lagna the badhaka bhava will be dual signs and here it is Virgo and the badhakesa is Mercury placed in the 10th house of karma which means the native will be sitting on a throne full of thorns. Badhakesa denoates from where the problem is rising and here it is 10th house and along with A7 and Gulika is rising giving us a clue that many people will try to tranish the image of the native and native has to constantly look out for such threats/.. THIS IS A DASAMI DOSHA denoting that mother is very angry and needs to remedied to come out of the issue

The star in which the ceremony has taken place is that of Hastha whose lord is Moon and this Moon is the lord of the 5th house of citizens and followers with Ketu)not a good combination)

Ketu is placed in the sign of Virgo both in rasi and Navamsa making it as a Vargottama graha and this graha becomes strong for the whole chart. Varogttama is the blessings of the god.

The lagna rising is that of Pisces and the 12th lord Rahu is with the lagna ensuring that the state will spend lot of money. Venus which is the lord of the 3rd house(communication,papers,media and advertising) and also the lord of the 8th house(representing sudden tranformation,deaths and ups and downs faced by the state) and the planet Venus is badly placed in the 8th house of the swearing chart denoting that women will be the source of trouble for the state...Venus also denotes vehicles and we know that women are given free BUS RIDES all over the state..

Mars and Sun are placed in the sign of Vrischika rasi denoting the government may raise the financial resources through borrowing or selling of goernment lands. Note Sun is the lord of the 6th house of resources which Mars is the lord of the 2nd house of bank balances and 9th house of investments.

Here in the chart Mars is alsp very strong as it is placed in the sign of Vrishcika in rasi and Navamsa making it Varogttama means Varga Uttama. Here the blesings of lord Hanuman or Murugan and also the blessings of Ganesha are there on the state.

Out of the total 9 grahas 3 grahas are very strong and these are




Presently the CM is under the dasa period of Moon and here in the rasi chakra Moon is very weak which in Navamsa it is exalted. The total period of Moon is that of 10 years hence due to the blessings of the Moon the CM will continue to rule the state.

The antar dasa is that of Jupiter and from Maha dasa Moon we find that Jupiter is placed in the 8th house which is called as 6/8 axis which is not good till 02.8.2025...There will be financial crunch in the state...

But in the Nava-tara chakra we find that Jupiter is in Kshema tara.

Tara (Moon) Meaning Lord Nakshatra 1 Nakshatra 2 Nakshatra 3

Janma Birth Moon Hast Srav Rohi

Sampat Wealth Mars Chit Dhan Mrig

Vipat Danger Rahu Swat Sata Ardr

Kshema Well-being Jupiter Visa PBha Puna

Pratyak Obstacles Saturn Anu UBha Push

Saadhana Achievement Mercury Jye Reva Asre

Naidhana Death Ketu Mool Aswi Magh

Mitra Friend Venus PSha Bhar PPha

Parama Mitra Good friend Sun USha Krit UPha

The later antar dasa is more problematic as it is in again 6/8 axis as Saturn is in ots Moolatrikona sign ensuring that more expenses are on the books...Saturn and Rahu are aspecting the 2nd houe of ex-chequer there by creating immese pressure on the finances of the state...Venus is aspecting the 2nd house by 7th house aspect denoting that women are denting the state ex-chequer..

In the Narayana dasa which shows the circumstances being faced by the government we find that Kanya Maha narayana dasa is operating and kanya is the badhaka bhava from the Meena lagna and under the grahana from the ketu+Moon combination...

Irrespective of all these issues I feel that the CM will steer the boat through the gushy waters and will complete his 5 year tenure which gets over by 2028..He has already complete 117 days of leadership and hope that he continues to be in the chair.

The antar dasa periods of Ketu/Rahu/Moon and Saturn are not good and appropriate remedial measures need to be undertaken for continuity of the leadership..


2026-2029 BAD PERIOD

2029-2032 GOOD PERIOD





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