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Exploring the Power of the Shoola Chakra: A Complete Guide for Beginners

This article stresses on the use of Shula chakra

Shula is the trident or Trishool whch is the weapon the hands of Siva and Rudra the destroyer. Rudra was born out of the hair lock of lord Siva when the King Daksha Prajapati insulted mother Parvati and due to which Mother Parvati immolated herself in fire. The wrath of siva and Rudra brought destruction to the Yagnya of Daksha Prajapathi to the extent that Daksha Prajapati head was cut and later replaced with the head of a Goat.

Sun represents Siva in all signs while Mars represents Rudra known for its strength in battle.Hence the lords of the 2nd and 8th and their strengths has to be seen to under who is our RUDRA planet which is the Primary rudra and the weaker one will become aprnai rudra.

Planets in trines to the RUDRA planet and its 7th house is dangerous and can kill the native. The 28 stars of the zodiac are placed in the Trident and those which are connected to the three points of the trident are the real killers.

The Nakshatra occupied by the Sun is placed at the bottom of the trident and this can be used to kill the native The three tips of the Shula chakra are nothing but the stars in exact trines to the 9th star and these are 9th,10th and 21st star and also the 15th star and these stars have the capacity to kll the native and liberate the soul.

When the Moon transits these star and also if the dasa is that of these signs and the aspects are very fatal for the native

How to prepare the Sholla chakra:

Take the star in whcih the sign is placed and place this star at the very bottom of the trident , Then start placing the remaining star in the order from the Sun star and start from the left and go upwards and covering the entire shoola chakra

The Picture of the shoola chakra is given here and also the star placement mentioned in the white circle are safe while the yellow ones are dangerous and the red ones placed on the tips of the trident are fatal and can cause death

Shoola chakra will indicate when the Rudra leave our body. Rudra graha hold our mond,body and soul and when he leave the body gets degenerated and destroyed where the Prana(the air we breath) also leave the body. Siva become Sheva(corpse) and becomes still like a rock and also cold as heat also leaves the body

The time when the Rudra leaves the body can be short,long or very long as it depends on the planets involved.

If Shoola hits at the lower part of the trident then death will be slow but peaceful but if the Shoola hits at the spike or points then death can be instant.

Death can be seen in the 3rd and 9th from the arudha lagna or in the 1st or 7th house from the arudha lagna

Strongest graha of these will bring death in the later part of the life depending on the longevity cimpartment

0-36 is short

36-72 is middle

72-108 is long

In this chart we find that 8th from lagna and arudha lagna is Aquarius and it is fixed denoting that the native death will be very near to his place where he stays. Sun is in the star of Hasta which is starting star of the trident and is placed in the bottom of the trident leaving the other stars which are placed at the sides of the trident we find that Uttar badhra,Uttar sadha and Mrigasira are placed at the points of the trident which are dangerous for the native

In the year 1941-50 we find that he was running Gemini dasa in the Shoola dasa and Sun is placed in Virgo in the 3rd house from Arudha lagna indicate death with fire arms and also here we find that Rahu is also aspecting the 8th from Arudha lagna by rasi dristi denoting a bad death...

Rahu and Moon with arudha lagna is a bad as both these planets do not get along well and also the 3rd from arudha lagna is in Virgo and 7th from arudha lagna is having Ketu in Capricorn and 9th from arudha lagna is vaccant with no planets and Jupiter is the lord of this sign Pisces.

When the native died it was Hasta star which was transiting the spike in the trident and it was on 30th Jan 1948 he was shot dead at his Ashram. The Shoola dasa time lines are as follows:

Shoola dasa (troubles and death):

Ge MD: 1941-10-03 (18:31:25) - 1950-10-04 (1:52:47)

Le AD: 1947-10-04 (7:30:13) - 1948-07-02 (5:44:23)

Pratyantardasas in this AD:

Aq: 1947-10-04 (7:30:13) - 1947-10-27 (0:11:52)

Pi: 1947-10-27 (0:11:52) - 1947-11-18 (10:22:37)

Ar: 1947-11-18 (10:22:37) - 1947-12-10 (15:35:06)

Ta: 1947-12-10 (15:35:06) - 1948-01-01 (17:55:43)

Ge: 1948-01-01 (17:55:43) - 1948-01-23 (19:57:17)

Cn: 1948-01-23 (19:57:17) - 1948-02-15 (0:25:06)

Le: 1948-02-15 (0:25:06) - 1948-03-08 (9:38:10)

Vi: 1948-03-08 (9:38:10) - 1948-03-31 (1:09:49)

Li: 1948-03-31 (1:09:49) - 1948-04-22 (23:43:04)

Sc: 1948-04-22 (23:43:04) - 1948-05-16 (5:03:42)

Sg: 1948-05-16 (5:03:42) - 1948-06-08 (15:51:01)

Cp: 1948-06-08 (15:51:01) - 1948-07-02 (5:44:23)

Note that if Sun has any association with the house of death which are 3rd or 8th house and arudha lagna and lagna and Atma karaka then surely we can get the timmings of the disease or death while of Rahu associates itself with Lagna,Arudha lagna or Atma karaka then Navatara chakra will give the timmings of the death




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