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Exploring the Influence of Arudha 4th House on Dalai Lama's Life Journey

In this article we will take an exsmple and understand the arudhas

This is the chart of a famous person who is a spiritual guru. The bhava padas are used for interpresentations. A house is judged by four main factors:

a) The house -the actual environment of that area of life

b)The lord-the direction that energy is working

c)The karaka-the relationship to the natural significator

d)The house arudha-the manifesation arising from that area of life

4th house:Mars is placed in the 4th house which denotes some sort of agression or fighting related to the home. The Mars is placed in the dual sign Virgo hence it is aspected by any plannets placed in another dual sigs. Here we find that Sun,Mercury,Ketu,Rahu aspecting the sign Virgo and planet Mars. We also find that A2 is rising showng wealth and learning in the house.

The Sun being the lord of the 3rd house shows colleagues giving advice about the home while Mercury is also aspecting its own house there by protecting the house. Mercury is a beneficial planet and also the lord of the 4th house..

Rahu represents an outsider along with Ketu denoting there is some sort of distruption and deceit relating to the house

From 4th house we find that the lord has gone to the 10th house thereby showing that lot of things have been done with respect to the 4th house

Mercury is placed in lagns denoting that the native has a strong attachement to the home amd the home land and Mercury is conjunct with malefics showing difficulties related to the 4th house.

For home Moon is the karaka . Here we find that Moon is in the 3rd house which is a trika house hence good for the karaka and 3rd represents fights and agression

Moon is in fixed sign and is aspected by Rahu and Saturn and also Jupiter. Jupiter represents resources hence aspect on Moon is good while aspect of Rahu and Saturn are not considered good aspects as these two planets are malefics. There is a shock and suffering at the home front.

Venus talks about comfort hence its conjunction with Moon shows the comforts of the home the native has experienced.

When we see the arudha of the 4th house A4 we find that it is with Rahu which indicates some shock to the native and also Rahu being a foreigner also denotes that the native would have left his native place and gone for a foreign land. Rahu is debiliated in the sign of Saggitarius deoting more trouble to the native with respect to home.

With all these negative traits being shown on the home front native has left his home as he was exiled from his home town and living in a foreign land.

On March 17th 1959 Dalai Lama left Tibet dressed as a soilder and came to India

The dasa operating was Jupiter-Venus and we find in that chart then Venus is the lord of the 5th and 12th house and is placed in the 12th from 4th house..

Venus the antar dasa lord is aspecting by Saturn and Rahu by 7th and 9th house dirsti. Here the karaka of the home Moon is also being aspected by two malefics denoting troubles for the native..

The Pratyantara dasa is that of Mercury placed in lagna denoting some new life or change of place.

As per the Narayana dasa we find that PiscesMaha Narayana dasa is operating and 4th is Gemini with Mercury and other planets and Mercury is aspected by Rahu and Mars.




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