"Exploring the Impact of the Kargil War in 1999: A Historical Analysis using Jyotish
In this article I will try and discuss about the KARGIL war between India and Pakistan where both the parties faught and lost most of their Jawans.
I will be using Rudramsa dasa chakra as we also call it as Mandooka dasa here Mandooka means frong(Frog Jump)
Before analysiing some Jyotish principles
When the sign or the dasa perod of 1st,8th or 10th house gets activated then the country will win and if the dasa period of 3,6,11 opertes then enemy wins.
The chart is rising with Taurus and the lord is Venus getting debilitated in the sign of Virgo. Initially the India side did not know that Pakistan has already attacked the Ladakh region and entered the Line of control (LOC) and already captured some senstitive areas i the regio of J&K. The militats disguised themselves and entered into India terrotory. Lagna lord getting debilitated gives such results as information will not be made available and Venus is hemmed between two malefics Saturn and Ketu
During the war, he led his troops fearlessly in the treacherous terrain of Dras and recaptured Point 4875 at great personal risk in kargil war. His rallying cry, “Yeh dil maange more
If the lords of the 1st,8th or 10th are badly placed or debiliated or in enemies sign or hemmed beteen malefics or aspected by malefics then situation will be difficult
Here we find that all the three lords of 1st,8th and 10th are badly placed but still we could win the war and the only reason is Jupiter and Mercury. Jupiter is exalted in the 3rd house turning the tables of the war and Mercury is aspecting the 8th house by 7th house graha dristi.
The dasa operating was that of Kumbha from the year 1995-2003 and the war stated ijn the year 1998 from May-July.
Kumbha rasi lord is Rahu and here we find that Rahu is in the sign of Aries denoting that the attack was sudden in nature and being with Mars denotes war like situation.
The antar dasa lord is that of Virgo where in the Lagna lord of D-11 chart Veus is plaed and in the sign of debiliated.Dasa started from Dec 1998 and ended on August 1999
The Pratyantar dasa is that of Capricorn which started on May 1999 Jupiter was aspecting its debilitated sign Capricorn by Graha dristi and Saturn from Leo with Rasi dristi...
In the Vimshottari dasa periods of D-11 it was Mercury-Mars and the planet Mars was placed in the sign of Aries along with 10th lord rahu.
It was Jupiter dasa which ended the war as it is exalted in cancer and from the 8th house of D-11 chart it was placed in the 8th house there from. 3rd being enemies sign denotes that they have suffered heavy casulaties and had to surrender and bid goodbye to the war.