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Exploring the Energetic Impact of Saturn's Direct Motion Movement

On November 15th 2024 finally Saturn will finally get into direct motion after being in retrograde for more than 129 days. What doesALL Moon sign people feel about this direct motion of this gaint planet Saturn which is also responsible for counting our karmas in this present life

All these days Saturn was transiting the natural 11th house house of desires and it was in retrograde motion and this retrograde is nothing but the Saturns slow movement and as a living being seeing this planet from earth we feel as if Saturn has turned retrograde/slowed down its speed..Usually among all planets except Sun and Moon some or the other time these planets become retrograde and ofcourse Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde as they are against Sun and Moon.

Usually we see the transits from Moon/Lagna and Arudha lagna

When any planet transits from Moon here we should understand as to how mind/Mana gets alligned to the planets in transit.

If any planets transits from Arudha lagna it will indicate how you are benefited or if there is any negative effect at your work front

Since June 17 2023 Saturn was retrograde and on Nov th 2024 it turn direct and among theZodiac signs Gemini will benefit more from this transit for the next few months till Saturn moves to Pisces on May 2025

Saturn takes approx 2 ad half years per sign and 30 years to travel the 12 signs. Saturn is the lord of the 10th house and gets exalted in the sign of libra. Saturn gets debilitated in the sign of Aries

Saturn Moolatrikona sign is Aquarius.

When ever Saaturn transits a sign we need to see which star it is also transiting and the house associated with star lord Saturn will gives effects of such house

Saturn when transits any sign or placed in any sign it will aspects the 3rd house,7th house ad 10th house

What is in store of other signs:

Aries:Can expect good amount of money,Friends will help you and also your family members will come and help you. People who are working can expect some good activitity at your work fronnt

Taurus:As Saturn was retrograde in the Aquarius sign all these days you felt some backlash in your life and now your work or profession will be better, All works which stopped will not frutify and luck will rise

Gemini: There will be rise in your luck from 15th November and work will be finished in time and also there is chance of going to holy places and people who are wanting to a foreign country for higher studies you can expect some good results

Cancer: Saturn was transiting in the 8th house in his own sign from your natal Moon and this time partnerships will be rise and need of the hour is to take care of your spouse health You may be gifted with immovable property from elders. Other family members may be jealous of your rise

Leo: Transit of Saturn in Aquarius is considered good for Leo rasi people. Business will propser. People who are against you will take a step back. Stop negatve think as this will help to keep good health

Virgo: Saturn is transiting your 6th house and all this while when Saturn was retrograde you would have felt bad health and now it will reduce and your keep will be fine. Your enemies will be taken care of and your uncles will help you. Students need to concentrate more on their competitions. People who are trying to travel they need to pray to saturn before going for long distance travels.

Libra: Saturn was transiting your 5th house and it was retrograde and now it is going direct from 15th of this month. Students who are graduating will get good results . Parents will feell happy about their children. People who are taking decisions after 15th of Ovemer will prove beneficial to you, Friends may trouble you and Income may reduce. For this you need to pray to Sun and on Saturday after Sun set place seaseame oil under Peepal tree

Scorpio:Saturn is transiting 4th house from natal Moon which is a good yoga and now from 15th November this yoga will frutify and you feel happy at your home front. Your In laws will treat you better. Income will increase and your younger siblings will help you and you will do short travels

Saggitarius: Saturn is transitig in the 3rd house from your Moon and if you felt that you have struggled but still have no outcome then after 15th Nov 2024 you will see it will frutify and you will be courageous. Short travels will bring benefits to you. Write something which you feel and get it printed it will bring good luck to you (Novel or some content)

Capricorn: Saturn was transiting your 2nd house all this time and in retrograde motion. Money was a major issue all this time and money got stuck or lost from now onwards after 15th your can plan your investment as it will give good results. Your family will have cordial relations with you. You will start spending time with your family members, Your confidence level will increase

Aquarius: Your Saturn is transiting your Moon and now you are under Sade sati. From 15th November all bad results given by Saturn will now start giving good results. Saturn is well placed in your chart as it is a Sasa Yoga. You will be appreicated for your confidence.Long distance travels will bring benefits to you

Piesces:Your Saturn is transitng the naltal 12th house as Moon is placed here. You need to take care of your expenditure. Dont spend un-neccessarily and you need to travel long distances. Take care of your health. Go to a piligrimage after Sunset and recite the mantra of Shani.


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