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Exploring the Connection Between Arudha and Manifestation in Vedic Astrology

ing but the reflection of a particular sign and the word ARUDHA means something which rises and the native can see it rising.

Arudha representation is as follows"

AL(arudha lagna)-Personnel image and social positon

AL2(Dhana Pada)-Family background and Lineage

AL3(Bhratri Pada)-Copulation ability

AL4(Matri pada or Sikha Pada)-Child hood impressions nd Home Influence

AL5(Putra Pada or Mantra Pada)-Children,Students and attacchements

AL6(Satru Pada or Roga Pada)-Service,Enemies and diseases

AL7(Dara Pada)-Relationships and Partnerships

AL8(Mrytu Pada or Roga Pada)=Death and long term diseases

AL9(Bhagya Pada or Dharma Pada)-Honour,respect and spiritualit

AL10(Karma Pada)-Work,Recognition,territory and Attitude

AL11(Labha Pada)-Gains and manifestations of desires

AL12(Vyaya Pada)-Spouse,expenses,medications

The reflection of the Lagna is called as Arudha lagna as Lagna is self while Arudha lagna is the image of the self hence it is very important to see the lord associated with the Arudha lagna or the planets associated with the arudh lagna

For a person to get success in his or her life the image of the person is very important and not the self. A person may drive a Merc but he would have bought his luxurious car using Loans from banks or any other sources but as he is driving a Merc his image will rise irrespectrice of other facrtors

In the same way a person may be happy but he is riding a Bicycle yet he is considered a poor man as he is riding a Bicycle. So everything is dependent on the image of the person and not the real life

Lord of the arudha lagna if it is benefic will give good results and if the lord of the Arudha lagna is malefics then it will give negative image but if the same Arudha lagna lord is Ealted then native will have a image but full of troubles.

Jupiter and Moon are considered as great beneiics hence when with Arudha lagna will bring good name and fame to the naitve.

Here we find that the Arudha lagna is in the 11th house from Lagna.

How to calculate Arudha lagna:

The lagna is rising with Leo sign and the lord is Sun plaed in the 12th house from lagna which is 12th signs away from lagna hence we take the same 12 signs and count the arudha lagna from Sun which comes to Gemini and here the arudha lagna is placed whih is the reflection of the lagna.

Jupiter and Moon are well placed in the Arudha lagna ensuring that the native gets name and fame in his or her life...In Gemini we find thar Arudha of the 9th house,8th house are also rising along with Arudha lagna and these two arudhas are represented by A9 and A8...

The lagna is rising with Libra and the lord being Venus is placed in the 7th house from the lagna hence we should have counted 7 signns and placed the Arudha lagna cannot be in lagna as Lagna is Satya (Truth) and Arudha lagna is Maya(Lies) hence these two cannot be together so the arudha lagna has to be placed in the 10th house and in this case it will be Cancer sign with Saturn in it and from lagna Cancer is Karma Bhava.

This placement is very important as it constitutes a RAJA YOGA and also Saturn is a natural malefic and is cold in nature and the native image is known to be harsh,cold and person who gives lot of pain to others through his work(10th house)

He controlled the entire GERMANY and was responsible for WW2

Chart is risig with Cancer sign and as earlier chart where Saturn is creatig a Raja Yoga here also Saturn the lord of the 7th house is creating a Raja Yoga after marriage. Arudha lagna is all about the image and here we find that Jupiter is with the Arudha lagna and here Jupiter is a functional malefic as he owns the 6th house of Zodiac..Jupiter is in its enemy sign Venus and Venus denotes women hence his image will be spoilt by a women.His UL is in Leo and the sustenance of the marrage is seen from the 2nd house from UL

A9 is with Rahu denoting sudden death of father

Ketu has papa argala on Jupiter and AL there by ruining the reputation of Bill Clinton

Argala concept:

There are two types of argalas 1)Subha 2)Papa argala(intnervention good and bad)

Planets in 4th,2nd,11th and 5th house have Primary argala on the planets placed in 12th,10th,3rd and 9th house

Hence planets in 2nd house is opposed by planet in 12th house

Planets in 3rd house is opposed by planet in 11th house

Planets in 4th house is opposed by planets in 9th house

Planets in 5th and 8th tends to obstruct the planets in 6th ad 9th house

We need to see the strength of the planets causing argala or Virodha argala for the activities to happen or blocked.




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