Exploring Internal Conflict: What Does the Future Hold for Pakistan?
Fast for the last few days we are seeing that India's neighbouring country Pakistan is facing internal turmoil and their citizes who are the suporters of Ex-PM Imran Khan have come on the streets and declared war on the establishment of Pakistan the Army.
Let see the chart of Pakistan and understand
In this chart we find Aries Ascendant rising and Aries is a sign of war and agression and controls the head of the Kalapursha and the lagna lord which is Mars is placed in the 3rd house which is also the karaka for sibblings,courage,war and agression. Mars is an agni tattwa graha and placed in the dark sign of Gemini. Note that Gemini is the natural sign of 3rd house. Hence when the karaka for agression is placed in this house then note that there will be issues in the country the moment it is born. Mars is also related to army and police and here in the chart we find that Mars is with Gulika and Mandi and it is with A5 and here arudha is the reflection of the 5th house which is house of Citizens,power and authority
Here the present dasa is that of Moon which is operating from 2015 till 2025 May and later Mars maha dasa will operate
In the Maha dasa of Moon the antar dasa is that of Sun and here Sun is the natural lord of the 5th house and placed in the 4th hoiuse of home and country. and also note that it is placed in the 12th house from its own sign which is not good for the country at large
Sun,Moon are in the same sign generating Amavaysa dosh and for the rising lagna Aries the badhaka sign is Aquarius whose lrods are Saturn and Rahu. Saturn is very strong in this chart as it is with other planets
Saturn controls the citizens while Sun is controls the government. Hence Saturn and Sun not getting along well denoting ctizens are against the government and also we find that Mars is placed in the 12th from house from Venus denoting Venus will reject Mars.
For Pakistan India is its neighbour so they have rejected us since the partion in the year 1947.
Any planet placed in the 12th from Venus is rejected by the planet.
Sun is the chara atmakaraka and it is placed in the 12th house from arudha destroying the very image of the country and where ever Atmakaraka is placed it will burn that house and here Sun is in the 4th house of the country stating that happiness is not there in the country.
Sun is sitting in the Aslesha star whosr lord is Mercury and Mercury is a Rajasic graha denoting business community and people who do business. Mercury, Venus and Moon which are rajasic grahas cannot be placed in the 12th house from arudha lagna and its destroys the economy of the country.
The same Sun is also badly placed in the 12th house in the Marana karaka bhava in the D-10 chart which is also bad for the country from business point of view. We know that all the business establishmets have been closed in Pakistan.
In the Navamsa chakra Sun is ruiling Rakshsasa Amsa denoting the attitude of the country is like Demons rising. Here Rakshasa amsa is all about fulfiling the desires whether it is right or wrong
Moon is in Manushya amsa which also denotes the desire of the people or the society at large but in the rasi chakra it is heavily afflicted creating turmoil or anger in the minds of he people
Imran is the main contentor of the Pakistan elections where he has won but was outsted by the military as he was going against them.
For Imran khan chart which is rising in Saggitarius rasi the 7th house when seen from his chart we find that Mars is there in the chart of Pakistan. Again Mars denotes Military and police..(Super impose the chart if you want to really understand two different charts and their impact of the people or the coountry or any individual)
A6 is rising in the chart of Pakistan in Taurus hence they consider India as they true enemy as the lagna of the India is Taurus.
Again the Pratyantar dasa of Moon is operating from 27th of this month in the chart of Pakistan and even though Moon is placed in its own sign still it is efflicted by Saturn,Sun
The entire Moon dasa will be there till 2025 and the country will face issues and later it will more difficult as Mars maha dasa will operate. Mars is the chara Gynatikara which gives the results of enemity and it is being with Mandi and Gulika and Brigha Bindu
Mars can create war like situation and badly placed in the 8th house along with Ketu creating Pisacha badhaka means mindless activity..
3rd house is afflicted due to presence of Rahu in Taurus and other malefic graha like Saturn and Krura graha like Sun. Mercury changes its color depending on with what graha it is conjoined with and who is the strongest among the grhas to change Mercury..
A11 is rising with Saggitarius and Paksitan considers USA as its friend as the lagna of USA is also Saggitarius and dollars comes from USA
The gist is that Pakistan cannot survive anymore and at some point of time in the near future it will break into 3 to 4 pieces which includes Balocisthan,Kabbar Phaktun,Lahore and Punjab
Pok will be take over by India in the near future.
Present Pakistan is under Ashtama shani where Saturn is transiting the 8th house from Natal Moon. and in the transit Rahu is with Jupiter creating Guru chandal yoga and Saturn in transit in Aquarius is aspecting Lagna the country itself and 5th house the house of citizens and 10th house 8th house where Ketu is placed in Scorpio bringing about major transformation to the country