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Evil eye(Black Magic)

Evil eye has been clasified as three kinds of evils and their names are always mentioned as KAMAS as an evil eye and the purpose of this evil eye is caused by a desire

The 3 kinds of evil eyes are:




The first two are evil in nature but not cuased for the purpoe of creating some evil to the native but the last one as the name suggests is to cause evil to the native . Here bali means offering

Apart from this there are other forms of Black magic which we discuss later in this article

Ranthu Kamas is caused by badhakesa where the badhakesa is with the lagna,lagna lord and Gulika

Hanthu Kamas:This is caused for the purpose of killing a person and here the assocation is from badhakesa and also with the 6th or 8th house or its lord and the lagna or lagna lord. Any benefic aspect will bring relief to the native

Bali Kamas:This is indicated by Rahu or Gulika in the 4th,5th,7th,8th house . If the 6th lord is in these houses then we can infer that it is caused by an enemy

For the purpose of relief always check for the quadrant houses(1,4,7,10) from Rahu and advise Gem stones which should be worn by the native and also pray to the dieite indicated

This is the case of black Magic and here the lagna rising is that of Gemini where the lagna lord is debilitated and also we find that 6th and 8th lord is with the 5th lord .

6th lord is Mars and 8th lord Saturn is in the 12th house of enemies. Badhakesa is Jupiter but not associated with 6th and 8th lord

This is Bali Kamasa and the intention is to kill the native as Rahu is in the 8th house and the dispositor of rahu is Saturn placed in the 12th house of enemies with 6th lord the known enemies. Native experienced Black magic and he abandoned by all this relatives and also his spouse left him. He met with an accident when travelling to Varnasi and was admited in a government hospital. He later died of a massive heart attack and left this mortal world

It was in Ketu maha dasa that he left this world and note that ketu is placed in the sign of cancer which is connected to the heart as per Kala Purusha. Ketu is against the Moon as it is akin to grahana.

In the chart we find that Venus is heavily afflicted by the presence of Mars and Saturn and aspected by Rahu.

Venus is the lord of the 5th house related to multiple affiars and also being in the 12th house with malefics does not go well with the native. Native suffering from black magic due to the reasos associated with money and property as we find that Venus is placed in natural 2nd house of money and there also we find that Mars is placed related to property.



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