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Donald Trump and Elections

In this article we would be looking at the chart of the Donald Trump and his luck with respect to he being re-elected as President of USA and also what is in store for him and the country USA.Below is the birth chart of Donald Trump and that of USA....We will see the dasa running for Trump and Tajaka chakra(annual chart) for USA...

The chart of Trump is rising with Leo lagna and lagna lord Sun is with Rahu in the 10th house of Simhasa(Throne). Principle: When 10th lord in lagna or 2nd lord in 10th house this combination is called as Simhasana yoga(king) and native reaches high positons in his or her life. Lagna lord in 10th is surely good if he is alone but here lagnesh Rahu being with Sun with destroy the significance of the Sun as any nodes connected to planets the nodes will tend to play a very important role in the native life....Rahu is a shadow object and hence the native of work associated with the native is always shadow in nature. Sun here is his chara atmakaraka and this makes the native very egoistic in nature and never bending to other are also the characteristics of the Sun being AK and when conjoined Rahu then manipulation will come to the fore front.

Jupiter by his 9th house sight(drishti) is aspecting these two planets and Jupiter is a planet ot expansion tends to expand the qualities of Rahu and Sun. JUupiter aspect on the 10th house will also make the native famous but here for all wrong reasons(Rahu).

Retro Jupiter in the sign of Kanya denotess that native will be earning money through all commercial related activities and Jupiter is in chitra star whose lord is Mars.Mars connects to real estates...Mars is his Yoga Karaka planet being lord of the 4th and 9th and placed in lagna(self)...

Saturn the lord of the 6th and7th and becoming chara darakaraka is very weak in zero degree of the 12th house of pleasures losses along with Venus the karaka for marriage. Saturn-Venus combo is considered not good especially in marriage related areas...Venus is well placed in the 12th house give the native pleasures related to marital life...

Trump married thrice as we can see in his chart the 7th lord is Saturn and Rahu being placed with two other planets Sun and Venus....He married Melaina on 22nd Jan 2005 and we find that he was under Rahu-Saturn-Moon dasa periods...Antar dasa Saturn is lord of the 7th house and Moon is the lord of the 12th house from lagna which got him married...

In the Navamsa the first spouse is seen from 7th house which is Saturn, the 2nd spouse comes from either Mercury or Rahu and the 2nd from 7th house and athe 3rd spouse comes from 9th which is 4th from Lagna. Here Venus is the lord of the libra and connected to modelling and other activites related to entertainment..

He became president of the USA on 20th Jan 2017 in the dasa periods of Jup-Jup-Mercury-Rahu....A10 is rising in the rasi chakra in kanya with Jupiter.From Moon Jupiter antar dasa is the lord of the 5th house(power and authority) and also Jupiter is having argala on the GL(Power) Mercury his PD is aspecting his 5th house again(power and authority) and finally RD Shookshma dasa is in the 10th house with lagnesh Sun making him enter the white house as Presient of USA

Now in the year 2020 on Oct 3 2020 the presidential elections are on the offing and people of USA are going to elect their New President. Let us see what is in store for the Trump..

Present dasa operating is Jup-Saturn-Jup and on the day of the election Nov 3 2020 it is Mars Shookshma dasa. Saturn the antar dasa is in the badhaka sign from Moon and the Mars the SD is badhakesa for his lagna. Mars is a plent of agression and also it is placed in the sign of his lagna Leo....And also in the rasi chakra we find that AD Saturn is placed in the 12th house the house of exit and losses.

In the entry chart of Mars SD where the elections are taking place we find that the Mars is well placed in the 10th house of Meena rasi and retrograde(he will become a figher) and with Maraka lord Moon...The 10th lord Jupiter is placed in his own sign Dhanus but again his badhakesa...Moon is heavily afflicted by the presence of Mars and aspect of Saturn(3rd house drishti) His arudha lagna lord is Rahu placed in the 12th house from the entry chart lagna Mithuha. He has to face defeat or loss this time.

Here also Mars is his 4th house denoting that he has go back to where he come from...

In the chart of USA when we use the Tajaka chakra we find that during the year 2020 The lagna rising is cancer and the lord is Moon badly placed in the 8th house of transformation..The Muntha is rising in Mesha and the lord again is placed in the 12th house. The effects of Muntha in 12th house:Muntha in the twelfth house gives disease, fear of accidents, exile, court trials. It provides harm to the wealth and reputation of the native.

For Donald Trump Muntha is rising in Libra and the lord is Venus placed in the 8th house of transformation and it is also retrograde..

Muntha in the eighth house gives the fear of accident, disappointments, conflicts, court trials, fear of diseases and increased expenditures.

Hence the year 2020 is bad for Trump and also for the USA as a country.


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