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China's future-A Jyotish perspective

In this atticle I would analyze the chart of CHINA and its future

The chart is rising with Moon Capricorn and the lagna rising is Capricorn and here lagna denotes the country and its future. Saturn is the lord of this sign and Saturn is all about being strict and very hard working country surrouded by mountains. Saturn controlls moutains and 7th lord Moon is placed in lagna in the sign of its enemy.

In the chart of a country 7th house denotes opposite parties or partners who would like to do business with the country. Saturn and Moon do not get along very well and this is called as VISHA YOGA a yoga which instills fear into the minds of the people or societies or countries at large

Saturn is all about fear and Moon is all about people and society. Saturn is placed in the 8th house denotes lots of ups and downs of people and country and from Moon being placed in the 8th house gives us a clue about people of the country facing lots of issues. 8th from Moon is Ardhashtama shani in transit or in natal chart.

Placement of Jupiter in the 12th house denotes the agression of the china on other countries as Jupiter is the 3rd lord is about agression and 12th is about its foreign partners or countries as 12th is all about something which is far away.

Jupiter in 12th house is all about giving and we know that China gives soft loans to its partners and here Jupiter chara atmakaraka is never good for the country. Chara means movable and Atma means soul.

Here as per the Jyotish tradition and principles it is stated than when Atmakaraka is placed in the 12th house then such countries will be very rich. Such countries will enjoy immense wealth and are blessed by Goddess Saraswati

Mercury is chara matrukaraka and is placed in the 9th house which is house of foreign country and Mercury is all about business and business man who would like to do business with a foreign countries and here it is retrograde and afflicted by Rahu by 7th house drishti and with Sun and Ketu..

Venus the karaka for market is placed in the 10th house of karma bhava and this the reason CHINA has grown so much in terms of ELECTRONICS

And here we also find that even this VENUS is also afflicted by Mars with 4th house drishti and Saturn with 3rd house dristi. Venus is all about women and markets where products are sold.

Venus is chara Amatyakaraka and placed in the star of Visakha star whose lord is Jupiter and the presiding diety is INDRA who is the devata associated with power and authority and controls the SWARGA Loka. If we see CHINA it resembles SWARGA with all the lights and glitter and with those huge buildings.

Rahu with Arudha lagna gives a negative image for the country as Rahu is a malefic grahas and only benefics should be placed with Arudha lagna like Moon,Jupiter,Mercury and Venus

Since 2019 the country is under Mercury Maha dasa and here Mercury as said earlier is afflicred heavily and even though placed the 7th from arudha lagna it was not a good period for the business people and slowly business was getting closed due to losses and the industries leaving the country due to heavy tarrifs imposed by USA.

Under this maha dasa Mercury we also find that Venus is also operating as antar dasa graha and again Venus is also afflicted making it is immensenly troublesome for the industries itself and most of the industries where moving away to India and other countries. Note that the lagna rising for India is Taurus whose lord is Venus

The Indo-China War, also known as the Sino-Indian War, was a military conflict between China and India that took place from October 20 to November 21, 1962

The Shoola dasa operating was that of Kumbha which is 8th from its natal D-11 lagna and the 8th lord being Rahu and Saturn are well placed in the chart and the antar dasa of the D-11 chart was that of Capricorn where Rahu the lord of the D-11 lagna is placed..The rudra bhava which is 11th house got activated when the war start and here the rudra bhava lord is Venus which is the Pratyantara dasa lord in the D-11 chart and also the karma lord in the rasi chakra.

In the D-11 chart to understand the outcome of war for a nation we have to see the lords of the 1st,8th and 10th while for the enemies we hae to see the lords of 3rd,6th and 11th

If we super-impose the chart of India and china we find that Venus is placed in the 6th house from India natal lagna which is Taurus and Jupiter is also placed in the 6th house. This denotes that these two countries have a vast tradtions from history point of view.

Hora lagna gives us a clue as to where is the money coming from and here it is in Taurus sign where the lagna of India is also placed. India is the business partner for China but equally it is also an enemy to India.

Presently China is also under the transit influence of Saturn which is transiting in the 2nd house from Natal Moon and here 2nd house denotes finances and we know that China is loosing its value in the world.

As per the Narayana dasa we find that China is under Taurus Maha Narayana dasa which is 5th from its Natal lagna Capricorn and here for a country 5th denotes citizens and we have to see the lord from the Taurus lagna to understand what is happening to its citizens. Taurus lord is Venus and is placed in the 6th house which is considered as Marana karaka bhava for the planet and does go well for the well being of the citizens and this is due to the lord placed in the 10th house of karma bhava which can be stated as career or profession.

There are lots of layouts and business is getting closed or moving out of the China

The period is from 02.10.2021 till 02.102026 and there after it is Aries from 2026 till 2028 which can be termed as a good period for China as from the Arambha rasi Venus the lord of the 2nd house is placed in the 7th house of business. But here we can also say there will be some war like situation in China or China may declare war against other country

Note that Aries is a sign of agression and its a Agni tattwa rasi and Mars is the lord placed in the Cancer sign and it becomes more powerful

Lets hope for the best for China and its citizens overall




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