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Devasting fire Burning USA 2025 Los Angeles and California

A brief analysis with respect to the USA facing lots of issues like Burning of forests and dry climate and around 1200 acres engulfed by fire and loss of properties in Los angeles

This is the tithi pravesha chart for the USA made today ie 12.01.2025 and the Panchange is as follows:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Jagannatha Hora\data\usa

Annual TP

Date: June 25, 2024

Time: 6:30:42

Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)

Place: 75 W 09' 51", 39 N 57' 08"

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Altitude: 40.00 meters

Lunar Yr-Mo: Krodhi - Jyeshtha

Tithi: Krishna Chaturthi (Me) (28.44% left)

Vedic Weekday: Tuesday (Ma)

Nakshatra: Dhanishtha (Ma) (88.94% left)

Yoga: Vishkambha (Sa) (62.28% left)

Karana: Balava (Mo) (56.87% left)

Hora Lord: Sun (5 min sign: Ge)

Mahakala Hora: Mars (5 min sign: Ta)

Kaala Lord: Jupiter (Mahakala: Jupiter)

Sunrise: 4:38:35

Sunset: 19:28:20

Janma Ghatis: 4.6718

Ayanamsa: 24-10-59.05

Sidereal Time: 0:46:26

C:\Program Files (x86)\Jagannatha Hora\data\usa

Natal Chart

Date: July 4, 1776

Time: 18:30:00

Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)

Place: 75 W 09' 51", 39 N 57' 08"

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Altitude: 40.00 meters

Lunar Yr-Mo: Durmukha - Ashadha

Tithi: Krishna Chaturthi (Me) (28.44% left)

Vedic Weekday: Thursday (Ju)

Nakshatra: Satabhishak (Ra) (95.64% left)

Yoga: Ayushman (Ke) (75.68% left)

Karana: Balava (Mo) (56.87% left)

Hora Lord: Saturn (5 min sign: Sc)

Mahakala Hora: Moon (5 min sign: Sg)

Kaala Lord: Mars (Mahakala: Mars)

Sunrise: 4:41:58

Sunset: 19:27:08

Janma Ghatis: 34.5014

Ayanamsa: 20-43-25.21

Sidereal Time: 13:23:26

In the Panchange we find that Vedic day is that of Mars and thet tithi is that of Krishna Chaturthi where Mercury is the lord and the Nakshatra is that of Jupiter.

When the day lord and the tithi lord are enemies to each other then such issues will rise and here Mars is all about fire and Mercury is all about earth hence Mars is an enemy to earth as the heat of the Mars will burn the earth . Day lord is the king of the chart and operates the entire year and we find that it is powerful in the chart in the 10th houe in Aries. The rising lagna of the TPC is Cancer...Mars being the day lord in the star of Bharani the star relating to death and destruction

There is no protection coming from Jupiter as it is placed in the bhadhaka bhava in the sign of Taurus and the Badhakesa Venus is placed in the 12th house of losses

Venus here denotes people who are connected to entertainment(like Hollywood) and it is with Sun the 2nd house lord and Mars the lord of the 5th house and 10th house..The planet venus is aspected by Rahu by rasi dristi and also ketu..

Venus is also with Mercury the trkina lord and dusthaa lord

The present dasa is that of Venus from 0.12.2025 till 17.02.2025 and Venus is transiting Ardra star as the 8th lord in the 9th house(the house of maraa karaka bhava).

In the Nakshatra dasa we find Mercury operating from 31.12.2024 till 24.02.2025.

3 planets are transiting the 12th house denoting losses to houses and money also

Youtue is enclosed



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