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Bharani(Yama the god of death)Kali Venus

The next star in the 27 star constellation follows after Asvini is BHARANI and this star is also placed in the sign of ARIES,The degree associated with this star is 13d20s to 26d40s.

The total padas of this star is 4 just like Asvini and the devat associated is YAMA who controlls the death and takes away the souls of the living being which their karma is over on this mortal plane (EARTH)

In the Navamsa chakra these 4 padas starts from Leo where the 1st Pada is placed and the 2nd Pada goes to Virgo and the 3rd Pada goes to :Libra ad finally the 4th Pada goes to Scorpio

The nakshatra lord is Venus and other stars connected to this Venus is Purva Phalguni and Purvasadha

Venus gets exalted in the sign of Pisces and debiliates itself in the sign of Virgo and the other two signs controlled by Venus is Taurus and Libra

The shkthi associated with this star is APA BHARANI AND it is called as REMOVAL OF LIFE OR Carrying the soul to the next level

Bharani is of RAJASIC in nature and it is UGRASHITRA star which means it is very agressive,passionate,driven and also protective in nature

Bharani is of MANUSHYA GANA and such native has full desires and work towards their goal to fulfill their desires..

Even though Bharani is of UGRA Tara but among the Trimurthis it is associated with VISNU as they are the protectors and maintainers and also Bharani is a BHOGA Nakshatra

Bhrani people are very BALANCED IN NATURE AND they are fond of materialistic outlook like having materialistic things at their disposal

As earlier each of the star controlls a body part and BHARANI star controlls our HEAD and bottom part of the feet

Bharani is of PITTA type which controls digestion, metabolism and energy. The Primary function of PITTA is transformation and it manifest fiery nature in the mind and body

The caste of BHARANI is MLECHHA which is OUTCAST TYPE AND the gotra(Rishi) associated with Bharani is VASHISTA WHICH TRANSLATES to possesor of wealth.and Vashista is the son of Bramha born from the Samana Vayu

Just like Asvini the star Bharani is also of EARTH ELEMENT(PRITHVI)

The orientation of Bharani star is ADHO MUKHA which means facing downards. Activities like digging a well,borewell,underground tunnels or spiritual activities,burying the dead or burying the treasures are good during this star day.

The animal associated with Bharani is ELEPHANT AND the bird connected to this star is PEACOCK.

WEST DIRECTION is considered the best direction of Bharani people and the dirsti associated with this star is MADHYA LOHAN and it is used in prasna to look for lost items in the west direction and can be obtained after 2. months from the day it is lost

The sonds associated with BHARANI star is LI,LU,LEY,LO.

Having plants like Amla,Indian Gooseberry in your garden will help the zBHATANI people and the color associated with this star is BLOOD RED

The best mantra used by BHARANI native is OM Eem



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