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The next constellation or star after Ashwini is that of Bhrani. Just like Ashwini has 4 padas in the same way Bharani also has 4 pada(Dharma/Artha/Kama/Moksha) and the starting degree of this star is 13d20s-2d40s.

When we plot these padas into Navamsa the starting point will be that of Leo as the earlier 4 padas of Ashwini is plotted from Aries to cancer in the Navamsa chakra and then comes Leo till Scorpio.

The diety of this star is Yama devata and the planet associated is Venus.

The main attribute of this star is to remove life from the body and as the diety is that of YAMA who removes the soul of our body and carries to the other realm.

When we talk about Guna then Bharani is RAJAS-RAJAS-TAMAS and it is very agressive and passionate star.They are very straight forward but they are emotionally charged and very warm in nature

Unlike Ashwini which comes under Deva Gana Bharani is that of Manushya Gana and Vishnu is the Trimurti associated with this Star..They tend to preserve and maintain what is being created and also they would like to enjoy the materialistic benefits given to them.

Bharani star people are very balanced in nature depending on the situation they are in.

Bharani people are also associated with ARTHA and money motivates them to move on in their life.

When coming to body parts bharani is associated with Head and the bottom part of the feet.

And among the Tridosha the Bharani natives are mostly have PITTA dosha where in it controls digestion and metabolism and among the caste they are of MLECHAS(outcaste)

The Gotra of Bharani is VASISTHA AND the are from the SAMANA VAYU OF BRAMHA.

Among the elements Bharani is a PRITHVI TATTWA star(Earthy in nature)

The nature of this star is always downards(ADHO MUKHA)

Hence the following activities are suited for this star;


digging wells

Yantra and tantra



Black magic

study of Jyotish

Mayura is the bird associated with Bharani star people and the direction is that of WEST.

Bhrani people have MADHYA DRISTI which means that if any item is lost it will be found in the WEST direction only after 2 to 3 months of time gap.

The sounds associated with Bharani are:Li,LU,Ley,Lo.The Amla tree is associated with Bharani.

Just like Ashwni, Bharani colour is also BLOOD RED

Vargottama,Pushkara and Pushkara bhaga of Venus is considered good for the native but if Venus is debiliated in Navamsa chakra then native will have marraige issues

Bharani is AGNI TARA AND THE nakshatra bheea is OM Eem.

Head,eyes and brain is ruled by Bhrani

The sacred animal assocaited with Bharani is MALE ELEPHANT

SIDDHI GANAPATI is the ganapati associated with Bharani star native

Bharani people can do the following:

Baby sitting

Children toys

Coffee and tobacco





finacial consultants

Food processing

Food distribution




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