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Demystifying Badhaka in Jyotish: What You Need to Know

Updated: Jul 15, 2024

In this article I will discuss about badhaka and the problems it can create for the native

First we will understand badhaka for all the 12 signs

For All movable signs the 11th house will be badhaka and badhakesa is the lord of the sign

For All fixed signs the 9th house will be badhaka

For All Dual signs the 7th house will be badhaka

For Aries which is a movable sign Aquarius is the badhaka sign

For Taurus which is a fixed sign Capricorn is the badhaka sign

For Gemini which is a dual sign Saggitarius is the badhaka sign

In the same way we have to see for other signs also


BADHA DENOTES OBSTACLE and badhakesa is the obstacle creator . For example let us say native is born with Gemini lagna rising and hence the sign being is dual sign the 7th house will become badhaka sign and the badhakesa(Obstacle creator) will become badhakesa.

Depending on the badhakesa placement we have to prescribe the remedy:

If the badhakesa is placed in lagna then giving a picture of the god or an idol is prescribed and to be given to a temple

If the badhakesa is placed in the 2nd house then mantra Jap is prescribed

If the badhakesa is placed in the 3rd house then puja to be done in a sitting position at the temple in the house

If the badhakesa is placed in the 4th house then donating some material to the temple while the temple is being renovated

If the badhakesa is placed in the 5th house then clothes or perfumes to be donated to the temple god

If the badhakesa is placed in the 6th house then the temple has to be donated with materials which are needed for pooja to be performed at the temple

If the badhakesa is placed in the 7th house then dances to be performed for the diety

If the badhakesa is placed in the 8th house then the element(Tattwa) has to be worshipped

If the badhakesa is placed in the 9th house then worshipping of Dharma devata

If the badhakesa is placed in the 10th house then perform pooja for ganesha

If the badhakesa is placed in the 111th house then donate some money to the temple hundi

If the badhakesa is placed alone in the 12th house then no rituals needed as it is big blessing for the native

What are to be offered to the diety

Sun and Mars then lighting a lamp

Venus and Moon then Milk,Ghee

Mercury the giving sandalwood paste or perfumes

Jupiter then flowers to be used

Saturn then donating Ornaments/Dhoop/Dress

Today let us talk about SARPA BADHAKA

In this chart we find that the lagna rising is Vrischika lagna and 10th house is having Rahu denoting Sarpa Badha.

Note that kendras ie 1,4,7,10 are occupied by Rahu with no benefic aspect or placement then it is a Sarpa badha.

Rahu is placed in the sign of cancer wholse lord is Moon and this placement of Rahu is an evil minded serpemts to create problems for the native. We also find that Moon is placed in the 11th house along with Saturn and this indicates that the native has stole the wealth of the serpent Sun placement in the lagna is a sign of prosperity,name and fame.

12th house is the house of our temple and here if we see the 12th house from badhakesa which is Moon in this case we find that Mars is olaced denoting that native has broken or dissfigured the idol of a god in his past life. Ketu has rasi dristi on Mars indicating that such acts where voilent in nature .

Sun is in lagna denoting what form is destroyed by the native. Sun in lagna denotes planets,trees or earth has been destroyed . Rahu being placed in the badhaka sign (cancer in this case) will give us the root cause of such destruction by the native. Rahu is in movable sign denoting that the eggs of the snake has been destroyed . Rahu here is the chara Atma karaka signifying the intense curse received by the native due to his bad karmas.Rahu is in the 9th house which is the Marana karaka bhava for the planet itself (Marana means delath like circumstances) . Moon is badly placed in the 8th from Arudha lagna denoting that native almost died due to drowing and this happened two times in his life.

Rahu is with A7 and this will get triggered when native enters into relationships or being cheated from relationships or by partners in business deals.

As the badhaka sign is in the 9th house then we may expect some adharma from the native side in relatioships but here we find that Rahu being the chara Atma karaka he will not cheat but he will cheated by other


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