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Ashvini(Asvini Kumars) Horse Ketu

Updated: Jan 5

In this article we will talk on Nakshatra series starting from Asvini to Revati and we will discuss upon each of these Nakshatras and their characteristics

There ae 27 Nakshatras and each of these nakshatras are connected to 12 signs and also they are distributed to 9 planets which means 9*3=27

The first star is Asvini which I will be discussing here today. The term Nakshatra means NA charati NA Ksharati ATH Nakshatrati which means they neither move or deviate nor they get destroyed and their greatness never dimishes over a period of time


The star starts at 0 degrees and ends at 13d20s and it is placed in the sign of Aries and the first 4 padas are connected to this stars. These 4 padas are 1.Dharma 2.Artha 3.Kama 4. Moksha. Hence the 4 padas of Aries or charan are placed in the Asvini star and these 4 padas are further divided into 4 padas in the Navamsa. 1st Pada of goes to Aries 2nd Pada goes to Taurus 3rd pada goes to Gemini and 4th Pada goes to Cancer.

The first Vimshottari lord which is Ketu is also connected to Ashvini.Each of these Nakshatras are connected to male and a female diety. Here the male diety is Asvini kumaras who are the sons of Surya(Sun) god and the femaoe diety is SHIDRA VYAPANI SHAKTHI.Hence these two male and female dieties have the power of healing or make the world free from diseases

Each of the nakshatra are divided into three gunas and these are Rajas,Tamas,Sattva and Ashwini is that of Rajasic nature where it represents destructive force for a new beginning.

The star Ashvini is of Laghu or Kshipra dispositon which means the star Ashvini is very cunning,and the quality of this star is to outsmart their opponents when a conflict arises in his or her life

Ashvini is a DEVA ghana which also means that such people are down to earth and always such people uphold Dharma and they belive in GOD

Each of the 27 nakshatras are connected to Trimurtis who are Bramha, Visnu and Maheshwara

As the star Asvini is connected to CREATION hence among the trimurtis it is also connected to BRAMHA

Nakshatras are also classified based on their activity. Hence the star Ashvini is PASSIVE in nature and are more receptive

Ashvini star people get motivated based on DHARMA and the body parts associated with Ashvii are Upper part of the Knees and both Knees(left and right)

We humans are configured with Tri Doshas and these are Vatta,Pitta and Kapha and the people born in Ashvini are Vatta dosha and this means they are changeable in nature as they are of windy type. Wind consituties AIR and SPACE and such natives are very enthusiastic and of Open minded

Ashivi is categorised as Vaishya among other castes and here Vashya means Merchant who is responsible for the sustaintability of the trade/Business

In Jyotish and in Hindus we have 7 rishis who are our projenators and they are considered as celestial fathers and all the 27 nakshatras are categorised in these Sapta rishis and here Ashvini comes under MARICHI rishi who is the controller of eyes as MARICHI is born from the eyes of Bramha

Among the elements Ashvini is that of Prithvi tattwa the EARTH ELEMENT

The diety associated with Asvini is Ketu and Ketu is always facing forward and straight hence the star is considered as TRIYANGA MUKHA

The YONI associated with Asvini is that of Horse and they are as we know as ASHWINI KUMARAS and as HORSE is very fast and intelligent animal and doctors have discovered that the blood of Horse is used for creating Vaccines and ASHWINI kumaras are Celestial doctors hence all those born in Ashvini can be great healers,doctors,astrologers and so on.

In Rig veda each of the star is associated with five birds and ASHVINI is associated with SWAN

Ashvini controls the SOUTH DIRECTION and the sight of this star is that of MANDA LOCHANA means slow and this is used in Prashna for lost items or people who are missing where the lost items can be recovered with a difficulty after 3-4 days from SOUTH DIRECTION

Nama Karana is very popular in HIndu traditon where the names of the child is done using the Moon and its connected Nakshatra. The name letter of the star Ashvini is CHU,CHEY, CHO, LA

A very popular method of remedying a nakshatra is to plant a tree associated with the star and here for Ashvini it is KUCHALA or Poison Nut

Colour also can be used to remedy the nakshatra and this is BLOOD RED AND THE SACRED LETTER TO BE PRONOUNCED IS OM AIM OR OM IM



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