Arvind Kejriwal and Political future

In this article I will be analyzing the chart of Arvind Kejriwal and his political future in the coming elections 2024
The chart is rising with Taurus sign with 3rd lord (communications and initiatives) placed along with the lagna and here Moon gets exalted. Moon denotes administrations and also it talks about the native connecting to the people at large. Moon is connected to Kritika who star lord is Sun and Sun is placed in the 4th house of happiness but it hasSankranti dosha.
Sun when placed in the 0 degree in a chart will attract the Sankranti dosha. But Sun being the karaka for politics and placed in the star of Magha whose lord is Ketu and this ketu beig placed in the 5th house of power and authority will ensure that native gets into politics.
28th Dec 2013 Arvind kejriwal was sworn in as the CM of Delhi and the dasa rising was that of Jupiter-Rahu-Saturn. Here Saturn is placed in the 12th house and retrograde making it powerful and also it is with Ghatika lagna denoting power and authority and Saturn is in the star of Ashwini whose lord is ketu and ketu in the 5th house has given him power and authority of the highest position,
In the D-10 Amsa we see that Saturn is in Indra Amsa(We know that Indira is the king of Swarga loka.
The antar dasa of Rahu has also given him power and authority as the 10th lord itself is Rahu and placed in the 11th house of fulfilment of desires..Rahu is placed in the star of Revati whose lord is Mercury and Mercury is again the lord of the 5th house denoting power and authority.
Before entering politics Arvind Kejriwal did his Engineering in IIT Karagpur and also he did his IRS Note here that Moon is placed in the sign of Taurus(money and earth sign) and Moon also denotes connecting to people and it is exalted...
The planet of education is Saturn (being the lord of the 9th house) and it is placed in the sign of Aries and here the sign and planet Mars denotes Engineering.
In the year 1985 he took the subject IIT-JEE and scord good marks in this subject and the dasa operating was that of Mars...(Mars here denote engineering and analytical thinking)
14th Feb 2015 he took oath as the CM of Delhi the 2nd time and here the dasa operating was that of Jupiter-Sun-Moon and taking the Jupiter as the Maha dasa we find that Moon is exalted in lagna making him CM 2nd time
Now he is under Saturn dasa and taking Saturn as the dasa lord we find that 10th lord itself is Saturn and placed in Aries sign which is 12th from Natal lagna and also presently in the Gochara Saturn is transiting Kumbha rasi and being in the 10th from Moon it is like a Kantaka shani(thorn in the feet) and Venus is the maraka lord for the Saturn das and placed in the 4th house of his chart from Saturn ensures that native has to face issues in his career and also this Venus being in Leo is hemmed between two malefics creating a bandha yoga which denotes bing confined to a place without much of movement.
Saturn-Mercury-Venus are operating when the elections will be held in India . From 2023 August his Meena Narayana dasa is operating and being in the 11th house he would have indulged in lot of activties which can be questionable.
His SL(sree lagna) is also with Rahu denoting making money as Lakshmi has got activated..
The present antar dasa and Pratyantara dasa are extremely negative for him as Mercury is in 64th Navamsa from Moon(8th house got activated) and also his Venus antar dasa is in the 64th Navamsa..The combined periods can be fatal for the native if necessary precautions are not being taken by the native.
